24034ac Restore and update several patches needed to build pki-core

Authored and Committed by Elio Maldonado 7 years ago
    Restore and update several patches needed to build pki-core
    - Patch7:  jss-ECC_keygen_byCurveName.patch
    - Patch8:  jss-VerifyCertificate.patch
    - Patch9:  jss-bad-error-string-pointer.patch
    - Patch10: jss-VerifyCertificateReturnCU.patch
    - Patch20: jss-ECC-Phase2KeyArchivalRecovery.patch
    - Patch30: jss-VerifyCertificate-enhancement.patch
    - Patch32: jss-symkey-enhancements.patch
file modified
+1 -1
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+36 -35
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file modified
+30 -555
file modified
+21 -3