Name: icon-naming-utils Version: 0.8.6 Release: 1%{?dist} Summary: A script to handle icon names in desktop icon themes Group: Development/Tools/Other License: GPL+ BuildArch: noarch URL: Source0:{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) BuildRequires: perl(XML::Simple) BuildRequires: automake Requires: perl(XML::Simple) Requires: pkgconfig Patch0: icon-naming-utils-0.6.7-paths.patch %description A script for creating a symlink mapping for deprecated icon names to the new Icon Naming Specification names, for desktop icon themes. %prep: %setup -q %patch0 -p1 -b .paths %build # the paths patch patches autoreconf %configure make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT # hmm, it installs an -uninstalled.pc file ... rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pkgconfig/icon-naming-utils-uninstalled.pc %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %doc COPYING AUTHORS README %{_bindir}/icon-name-mapping %{_datadir}/icon-naming-utils %{_datadir}/pkgconfig/icon-naming-utils.pc %changelog * Mon Sep 17 2007 Matthias Clasen - 0.8.6-1 - Update to 0.8.6 * Tue Aug 14 2007 Matthias Clasen - 0.8.3-1 - Update to 0.8.3 * Mon Feb 26 2007 Matthias Clasen - 0.8.2-1 - Update to 0.8.2 - Small spec file cleanups * Mon Aug 21 2006 Matthias Clasen - 0.8.1-1.fc6 - Update to 0.8.1 * Thu Aug 3 2006 Matthias Clasen - 0.8.0-1.fc6 - Update to 0.8.0 * Wed Aug 02 2006 Warren Togami - 0.7.3-1 - add disttag * Wed Jul 12 2006 Matthias Clasen - 0.7.3-1 - Update to 0.7.3 * Thu Jun 8 2006 Matthias Clasen - 0.7.2-2 - Rebuild * Tue May 9 2006 Matthias Clasen - 0.7.2-1 - Update to 0.7.2 * Tue Apr 25 2006 Matthias Clasen - 0.7.1-1 - Update to 0.7.1 * Mon Feb 6 2006 Matthias Clasen - 0.6.7-1 - Update to 0.6.7 * Tue Jan 17 2006 Matthias Clasen - 0.6.5-1 - Initial import