# When downloading directly from Mercurial, it will automatically add this prefix
# Invoking 'hg archive' wont but you can add one with:
# hg archive -t tgz -p "Linux-HA-Dev-" -r $upstreamversion $upstreamversion.tar.gz
%global specversion 7
%global upstreamprefix Linux-HA-Dev-
%global upstreamversion 0daab7da36a8
%global alphatag %{upstreamversion}.hg
%global           ENABLE_SNMP_SUBAGENT 0
%global           gname haclient
%global           uname hacluster
Summary:          Messaging and membership subsystem for High-Availability Linux
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Name:             heartbeat
Version:          3.0.0
Release:          %{?alphatag:0.}%{specversion}%{?alphatag:.%{alphatag}}%{?dist}
License:          GPLv2 and LGPLv2+
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
URL:              http://linux-ha.org/
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Group:            System Environment/Daemons
Source0:          http://hg.linux-ha.org/dev/archive/%{upstreamversion}.tar.bz2
Patch1:		  dso.patch
Patch2:           heartbeat-3.0.0-haresources.patch
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
BuildRoot:        %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n) 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
BuildRequires:    glib2-devel
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
BuildRequires:    iputils
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
BuildRequires:    libnet-devel
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
BuildRequires:    libtool-ltdl-devel
Joost Soeterbroek d8209d5
BuildRequires:    net-snmp-devel >= 5.4
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
BuildRequires:    bzip2-devel 
Joost Soeterbroek 2f1a2e4
BuildRequires:    ncurses-devel
BuildRequires:    openssl-devel
BuildRequires:    libtool
BuildRequires:    libxml2-devel
BuildRequires:    gettext
BuildRequires:    bison
BuildRequires:    flex
BuildRequires:    zlib-devel
BuildRequires:    mailx
BuildRequires:    which
BuildRequires:    cluster-glue-libs-devel
Requires:         PyXML
Requires:         resource-agents
Requires:         cluster-glue-libs
Requires(pre):    shadow-utils
Requires(pre):    cluster-glue
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Requires(post):   /sbin/chkconfig
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Requires(preun):  /sbin/chkconfig
Obsoletes:        heartbeat-gui < %{version}-%{release}
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
heartbeat is a basic high-availability subsystem for Linux-HA.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
It will run scripts at initialization, and when machines go up or down.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
This version will also perform IP address takeover using gratuitous ARPs.
Heartbeat contains a cluster membership layer, fencing, and local and
clusterwide resource management functionality.
When used with Pacemaker, it supports "n-node" clusters with significant 
capabilities for managing resources and dependencies.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
In addition it continues to support the older release 1 style of
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
2-node clustering.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
It implements the following kinds of heartbeats:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        - Serial ports
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        - UDP/IP multicast (ethernet, etc)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        - UDP/IP broadcast (ethernet, etc)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        - UDP/IP heartbeats
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        - "ping" heartbeats (for routers, switches, etc.)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
           (to be used for breaking ties in 2-node systems)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%package libs
Summary:          Heartbeat libraries
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Group:            System Environment/Daemons
Requires:         heartbeat = %{version}-%{release}
%description libs
Heartbeat library package
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%package devel 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Summary:        Heartbeat development package 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Group:          System Environment/Daemons
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Requires:       heartbeat = %{version}-%{release}
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%description devel
Headers and shared libraries for writing programs for Heartbeat
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%setup -q -n %{upstreamprefix}%{upstreamversion}
%patch1 -p0 
%patch2 -p1 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
# disable-fatal-warnings flag used to disable gcc4.x warnings of 'difference in signedness'
CFLAGS=${RPM_OPT_FLAGS} %configure  --disable-fatal-warnings --disable-static
# get rid of rpath
sed -i 's|^hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=.*|hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=""|g' libtool
sed -i 's|^runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH|runpath_var=DIE_RPATH_DIE|g' libtool
make %{?_smp_mflags}
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
# cleanup
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
[ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
[ -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/libtool ] && rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/share/libtool
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name *.la -exec rm -f {} ';'
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/doc/packages/%{name} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/doc/%{name}-%{version}
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/heartbeat/cts
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
sed -i -e '1i# -*-Shell-script-*-' $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/shellfuncs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
chmod -x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/shellfuncs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
/sbin/chkconfig --add heartbeat
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 4781194
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
Joost Soeterbroek 4781194
    /sbin/service heartbeat stop
Joost Soeterbroek 4781194
    /sbin/chkconfig --del heartbeat
Joost Soeterbroek 4781194
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%doc %{_datadir}/doc/%{name}-%{version}
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/ha.d
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%exclude %{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/shellfuncs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ha.d/README.config
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/heartbeat
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%dir %{_var}/lib/heartbeat
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%dir %{_var}/run/heartbeat
%attr (2755, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_bindir}/cl_status
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%dir %attr (755, %{uname}, %{gname}) %{_var}/run/heartbeat/ccm
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%files libs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
%files devel
%doc %{_datadir}/doc/%{name}-%{version}
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Fri Apr 30 2010 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 3.0.0-0.7.0daab7da36a8.hg
- Add patch to fix haresource based clusters - fixes #576608
* Mon Feb 22 2010 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 3.0.0-0.6.0daab7da36a8.hg
- Correctly link to all required libraries when building
* Thu Oct 15 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 3.0.0-0.5.0daab7da36a8.hg
- Resolve file conflict, shellfuncs is provided by resource-agents
* Fri Aug 21 2009 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 3.0.0-0.4.0daab7da36a8.hg.1
- rebuilt with new openssl
* Mon Aug 17 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 3.0.0-0.4.0daab7da36a8.hg
- Make use of the specversion variable
- Add explicit dependancy on cluster-glue-libs to prevent yum from trying to use 
  the deprecated heartbeat-{pils|stonith} packages
- Update to upstream version 0daab7da36a8
  + Clean up configure. Source most variables from cluster-glue to ensure build consistency
* Mon Aug 17 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 3.0.0-0.3.b37cbb1b036c.hg
- Make use of the uname/gname variables
- Use global instead of define for variables
- Remove user/group creation.  This is handled in cluster-glue
- Add obsoletes directive for gui subpackage which is no longer supplied
- Move ldirectord subpackage to resource-agents
- Use the full configure macro
- Update to upstream version b37cbb1b036c
  + LVSSyncDaemonSwap syncid
  + remove the remaining OCF RA which live in the agents repository
  + High: RA: IPv6addr: support for new nic and cidr_netmask parameters in the OCF RA
  + Low: Build: findif moved to agents.
  + Low: Build: move ldirectord to agents.
  + Low: Build: remove a few hb_report artifacts.
* Thu Aug 13 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 3.0.0-0.2.11f858f3bc4c.hg
- Create a libs subpackage to support multi-arch
* Tue Aug 4 2009 Andrew Beekhof <andrew@beekhof.net> - 3.0.0-0.1.11f858f3bc4c.hg
- Update to 3.0.0-beta and build against cluster-glue
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 2.1.4-12
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
* Thu Jun 25 2009 Jochen Schmitt <Jochen herr-schmitt de> - 2.1.4-11
- Revert changes of 2-1.4-11
* Thu Jun 25 2009 Jochen Schmitt <Jochen herr-schmitt de> 2.1.4-10 
- Add separate filesystem subpackage (#501518)
* Sun Jun 14 2009 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.4-9
- Remove perl(Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL) for now as it's not in Fedora (yet).
* Fri Jun 11 2009 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.4-8
- Add perl(Net::IMAP::Simple::SSL) to ldirector subpackage
- Fix MAILCMD (#502443)
- Add patch to fix duplicate install of OCF drbd
* Fri Apr 24 2009 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.4-7
- Move ldirector dep to subpackage (#493625)
- Add zlib-devel to BuildRequires (#497079)
- Add pygtk2-libglade (#497079)
* Tue Feb 24 2009 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.4-6
- Remove symlink thats no longer needed. 
* Mon Feb 23 2009 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.4-5
- Remove fedora-usermgmt
- Change subpackage names to match all the other heartbeat packages out there.
* Sat Jan 17 2009 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.4-4
- Main package shouldn't require pygtk2 (#480157)
* Fri Jan 16 2009 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 2.1.4-3
- rebuild with new openssl
* Thu Dec 04 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet+rpm@gmail.com> - 2.1.4-2
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
* Mon Dec 01 2008 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.4-1
- Update to 2.1.4
- Drop upstreamed patch
- Add patch to disable init script by default (#441286)
* Mon Dec 01 2008 Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams <ivazqueznet+rpm@gmail.com> - 2.1.3-4
- Rebuild for Python 2.6
* Tue Oct 21 2008 Lon Hohberger <lhh@redhat.com> - 2.1.3-3
- Fix requires line to include PyXML (#467807)
* Wed Jun 25 2008 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 2.1.3-2
- rebuild with new gnutls
* Mon Feb 25 2008 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.3-1
- Update to 2.1.3
- Add management GUI
- Drop upstreamed patches
- Add patch for IPAddr (bz #434653)
* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@fedoraproject.org> - 2.1.2-4
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
* Fri Dec 07 2007 Release Engineering <rel-eng at fedoraproject dot org> - 2.1.2-3
- Rebuild for deps
* Tue Aug 29 2007 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.2-2
- Update sources
* Tue Aug 29 2007 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.1.2-1
- Upgrade to 2.1.2
- Update license tag for new guidelines. 
- Patch open function issues. 
* Wed Aug 29 2007 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at fedoraproject dot org> - 2.0.8-4
- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.
* Tue Jun 26 2007 Kevin Fenzi <kevin@tummy.com> - 2.0.8-3
- Add openssl-devel BuildRequires
- Remove restart from postun (bz #223949)
- Fix up Requires (bz #245704)
- Remove duplicate libraries in subpackages (bz #245704)
- Add smp_mflags
- Fix typo in stonith subpackage description
- Simplify clean section. 
- Use find_lang macro
- Fix some multilib issues with ocf dir (bz #228165)
- Kill rpath
- Add ldconfig to postun
Joost Soeterbroek 2aa045c
* Fri Feb  9 2007 Joost Soeterbroek <joost.soeterbroek@gmail.com> - 2.0.8-2
Joost Soeterbroek 2aa045c
- change condrestart -> restart (bz #223949)
Joost Soeterbroek 2aa045c
Joost Soeterbroek b73ba17
* Sun Jan 21 2007 Joost Soeterbroek <joost.soeterbroek@gmail.com> - 2.0.8-1
Joost Soeterbroek b73ba17
- upstream version 2.0.8
Joost Soeterbroek b73ba17
- fix cl_status commands fail (bz #219765)
Joost Soeterbroek b73ba17
Joost Soeterbroek d8209d5
* Thu Nov 30 2006 Joost Soeterbroek <joost.soeterbroek@gmail.com> - 2.0.7-5
Joost Soeterbroek d8209d5
- add Requires net-snmp-libs to stonith , add BuildReqs net-snmp-devel >= 5.4
Joost Soeterbroek d8209d5
Joost Soeterbroek 601ed0c
* Tue Nov 28 2006 Joost Soeterbroek <joost.soeterbroek@gmail.com> - 2.0.7-4
Joost Soeterbroek 601ed0c
- rebuild for updated net-snmp, soname change
Joost Soeterbroek 601ed0c
Joost Soeterbroek 4781194
* Sun Oct 29 2006 Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.7-3
Joost Soeterbroek 4781194
- fix preun, postun to check for upgrade (#212133)
Joost Soeterbroek 4781194
Joost Soeterbroek ffab105
* Wed Aug 30 2006 Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.7-2
Joost Soeterbroek ffab105
- rebuild for Fedora Extras 6
Joost Soeterbroek ffab105
Joost Soeterbroek ce312f4
* Wed Aug 16 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.7-1
Joost Soeterbroek ce312f4
- upstream version 2.0.7
Joost Soeterbroek ce312f4
Joost Soeterbroek 2f1a2e4
* Sat Jul 15 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.6-2
Joost Soeterbroek 2f1a2e4
- added BuildReqs: ncurses-devel
Joost Soeterbroek 2f1a2e4
Joost Soeterbroek 5a8dd80
* Fri Jul 14 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.6-1
Joost Soeterbroek 5a8dd80
- upstream version 2.0.6
Joost Soeterbroek 2f1a2e4
Joost Soeterbroek bc7bea8
* Fri Jun 16 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.5-2
Joost Soeterbroek bc7bea8
- bump for gnutls change in devel
Joost Soeterbroek 2f1a2e4
Joost Soeterbroek a864aa6
* Thu Apr 27 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.5-1
Joost Soeterbroek a864aa6
- upstream version 2.0.5
Joost Soeterbroek a864aa6
- removed patch2 - ownership of /heartbeat/crm/cib.xml is no longer
Joost Soeterbroek a864aa6
  set in cts/CM_LinuxHAv2.py.in
Joost Soeterbroek a864aa6
Joost Soeterbroek ad15757
* Wed Mar 29 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.4-2
Joost Soeterbroek 42c55f9
- Version 2.0.4
Joost Soeterbroek 42c55f9
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Mar  1 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-9
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- changed user creation
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- added patch2 heartbeat-2.0.3-fedora-ccmuser.patch  
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Mar  1 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-8
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- specifically excluded ldirectord symlink from heartbeat package
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- removed user and group deletion in postun
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- renamed subpackages ldirectord, pils and stonith to lose prefix heartbeat
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  by using -n
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Tue Feb 28 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-7
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- fixed more rpmlint errors and warnings
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sat Feb 25 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- fixed number of rpmlint warnings and errors (still ignores some..)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- generate 'predictable' uid and gid with fedora-usermgmt to use with 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  configure flag -with-ccmuser-id and groupadd, useradd
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- added Buildreq's: libtool-ltdl-devel, fedora-usermgmt-setup
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  net-snmp-devel, bzip2-devel 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- removed *.so duplication in heartbeat and heartbeat-devel
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- changed file sections
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Fri Feb 24 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-5
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- useradd with fedora-usermgmt
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- added *.so file to -devel sub-package
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sat Feb 18 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-4
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- removed all perl requires; should be picked up by rpmbuild automagically
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- changed system user creation hacluster part to use baseid:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Thu Feb 16 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-3
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- removed Requires: python and gnutls
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- changed _libdir/ocf -> _prefix/lib/ocf
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- reversed subpackages depend on basepackage
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- removed Req swig (kept BuildReq)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- added Req pygtk2
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Feb 15 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-2
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- fixes for various rpmlint errors and warnings 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- fixed setup -q
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- make subpackages depend on basepackage, not reverse
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- clean buildroot at beginning of install
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- replaced a number of hardcoded paths with RPM macros
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- Changed Group from Networking/Daemons to System Environment/Daemons
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- enable mgmt option
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sun Feb 12 2006  Joost Soeterbroek <fedora@soeterbroek.com> - 2.0.3-1
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
- rebuilt for Fedora Extras
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Fri Feb 10 2006  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 2.0.3 - Bug fixes and significant new features.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Management Daemon/Library and GUI client
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + provide a management library for manamgement daemon and CIM provider
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + provide a management daemon and a basic GUI management tool
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + CIM enablement
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + CIM (Common Information Model) enablement - works with
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      sblim-sfcb, OpenWBEM, and Pegasus CIMOMs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - not yet compiled into our binary RPMs because of dependencies
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + CRM (Cluster Resource Manager) General
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + All shutdowns go via the PE/TE - preserves inter-resource ordering
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Support for future changes to the CIB (depreciation of cib_fragment)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Overhaul of IPC and HA channel callback logic
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Many improvments to the quality and quantity (reduced) of logging
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + CRMd
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Timerless elections - when everyone has voted we're done
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Use the replace notification from the CIB to re-update our copy with 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      our view of our peers.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Reliably detect if the LRM connection is still active.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Elections
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + newer versions defer to older ones in DC elections 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        (opposite of current behavior)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + this means that only once the complete cluster has been upgraded will
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        we start acting like the new version and accept new config options
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + it also means newer PE's and TE's (the most complex pieces) don't need
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        "act like the old version" options and can rely on all slaves being at
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        least as up-to-date as they are
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + people can run mixed clusters as long as they want
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        (until they want the new PE features)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + new DCs only update the version number in the CIB if they have a 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        higher value
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + nodes that start and have a lower version than that stored in the CIB
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        shut themselves down (the CRM part anyway)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + this prevents an admin from introducing old nodes back into an upgraded
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        cluster. It probably doesn't fully understand the config and may not
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        support the actions the PE/TE requires.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + CIB (Common Information Base daemon)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Make sure "query only" connections cant modify the CIB
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Periodically dump some stats about what the CIB has been doing.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Verify there are no memory leaks
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Performance enhancements
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Prevent a single CIB client from blocking everyone else
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Clients Can be notified of full CIB replacements
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + record_config_changes option in ha.cf for those worried about 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      the amount of logging.  Defaults to "on".
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + suppress_cib_writes CIB option replaced with in enable_config_writes ha.cf 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      (enable_config_writes to be removed in 2.0.4)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Never write the status section to disk
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Check permissions for the on-disk CIB at startup
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Dont trash unreadable on-disk CIBs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Fix for updates made against the whole CIB (not just one section) 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + PEngine (Policy Engine)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Many improvements to the handling of resource groups
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Support "anonymous" clones
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Fix stonith ordering
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Order DC shutdowns after everyone else's
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Support short resource names (for group and clone resources)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + The ordering and colocation of grouped resources is now optional
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Support probing new nodes for active resources.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + All "probe" actions are controlled by the PE.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + No resource may be started until the probing is complete.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + Do not probe for resources we know to be active on unprobed nodes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + When looking for monitor ops, only mark it optional if it was already
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      active on the node we're interested in.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Detect changes to class/type/provider/parameters and force a restart
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      of the resource
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + New record_pengine_inputs option in ha.cf for those worried about 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      the amount of logging.  Defaults to "on".
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Differentiate between config and processing errors
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + reduces the frequency that we need to log the complete CIB
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Make notify for master/slave work
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + New CIB option: stop_orphan_actions (boolean)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      If a resource is no longer defined, we can optionally stop it
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + New CIB option: stop_orphan_actions (boolean)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      If a monitor op for a given interval is no longer defined, we can
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      optionally stop it
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Add support for time and phase-of-the-moon based constraints
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Improved failure handling: avoiding false positives
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Always create orphaned resources - so they show up in crm_mon
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Do not require sequential clone numbers starting at 0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + TEngine (transition engine)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Detect old stonith ops
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + CLIs (Command Line interfaces)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Create a --one-shot option for crm_mon
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Switch a number of CLI tools to use the new syncronous connections
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Log errors to stderr where they will be seen and therefore useful
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Support migration and un-migration of resources and resource groups
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Create crm_verify for checking configuration validity
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Simplify the passing of XML to cibadmin
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Known open bugs worth mentioning:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + 1075, 1080, 1081, 1084, 1085, 1064, 1069, 756, 984
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + 1050, 1082, 1037, 1079
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Thu Sep 22 2005  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 2.0.2 - small bug fix only release
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug in ping directive - it works again
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a check to BasicSanityCheck to check ping and ping_group directives
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed cl_status nodestatus to return 0 if a node has status "ping"
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a memory leak in the CRM's LRM interface code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed code which deterimines which version of the CRM becomes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    the DC when basic CIB schema versions differ.  It now prefers
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    the older version to be DC instead of the newer version.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Sep 14 2005  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 2.0.1 - 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Communication Layer
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + netstring encoding format is changed to be more efficient
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + add compression capability for big messages
  + Add man pages for hb_standby/hb_takeover
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + The assert triggered by 2.0.0 has been fixed
  + CIB can now contain XML comments and/or be in DOS format
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Includes implementation of the ISO8601 date format
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + New CLI tools for changing cluster preferences, node attributes 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    and node standby
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Improved recovery and placement of group resources
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Detection of failed nodes by the Policy Engine is fixed
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + New Policy Engine features 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    http://www.linux-ha.org/ClusterResourceManager/DTD1.0/Annotated :
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      sections 1.5.[8,9,10,12]
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Constraints and instance attributes can now be active conditionally
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Rules can now contain other rules
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Date/Time based expressions are supported
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Cloned resources can now optionally be notified before and after
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      any of its peers are stopped or started.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + The cluster can re-evaluate the configuration automatically after
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      a defined interval of idleness
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Removed a flow control message which was very annoying when operating
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    in a mixed 1.x/2.x environment
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  -- Known Bugs :-( --
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Bug 859 - FSA took too long to complete action - fully recovered from
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Bug 882 - IPC channel not connected during shutdown - harmless
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Bug 879 - Failed actions cause extra election - harmless
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
 Each of these occurs about once or twice in 5000 test iterations
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
       - This is probably > 10K failovers
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - rsc_location constraints cannot have rules that contain other rules
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      (fixed in CVS after release) 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Fri Jul 29 2005  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 2.0.0 - First stable release of the next generation of the Linux-HA project
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Basic Characteristics described here:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Core infrastructure improvments:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Messaging (message acknowledging and flow control)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Logging   (logging daemon)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Release 1.x style (2-node) clusters fully supported
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Multi-node support (so far up to 16-node clusters tested)
        See http://linux-ha.org/GettingStartedV2 for more information
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + New components:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Cluster Information Base    (replicated resource configuration)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Cluster Resource Manager    (supporting 1->N nodes)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Modular Policy Engine       (controlling resource placement)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Local Resource Manager      (policy free, not cluster aware)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Stonith Daemon              (stand-alone fencing  subsytem)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Support for OCF and LSB resource agents
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Support for composite resource types (groups, clones)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Support for a rich set of resource location and ordering constraints
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Conversion tool for existing haresources
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Resources monitored by request
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Resource "maintenance" mode
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Several failback, failure and "No Quorum" behaviours to choose from
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        (global defaults and per action or resource)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Sample cluster state and configuration monitoring tools
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  Known issues in 2.0.0:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Under some rare circumstances the cluster manager will time out
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      while stabilizing a new cluster state.  This appears to be
        otherwise harmless - the cluster is actually fine.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Under some rare circumstances, a dev assert will be triggered
        in unpack.c.  This results in the pengine getting restarted.
        This is annoying, but not a disaster.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Tue May 23 2005  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.99.5 - Near-final beta of 2.0.0 release
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + many bug fixes - code looks very stable at this point
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    -- well tested at this point on 4 and 8 node clusters.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Thu Apr 07 2005  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.99.4 - Near-final beta of 2.0.0 release
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + many bug fixes since 1.99.1
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + new external STONITH model - fully supports scripting interface
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + tested through 12 node clusters successfully
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + No serious defects found in testing
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Easier-to-understand locational constraints model
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Many bug fixes of many kinds
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Important bug fixes to OCF IPaddr resource agent
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Resources are monitored only on request
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + See http://wiki.linux-ha.org/ClusterResourceManager/Setup
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    for basic ideas about getting started.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Release 1 style (2-node) clusters still fully supported
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Release 2 style clusters support 1-N node clusters
        (where N is probably something like 8-32)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Tue Mar 20 2005  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.99.3 - Near-final beta "technology preview" of 2.0.0 release
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + many bug fixes since 1.99.1
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + tested through 12 node clusters with reasonable success
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sun Feb 20 2005  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.99.2 - Near-final beta "technology preview" of 2.0.0 release
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Many many many changes.  Far too many to describe here.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + See http://wiki.linux-ha.org/ClusterResourceManager/Setup
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    for certain basic ideas about getting started.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Mon Oct 11 2004  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.99.1 - *early* beta series - preparing for 2.0.0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Andrew provided a number of fixes to the CRM and 2.0 features
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a problem with retrying failed STONITH operations
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Mon Oct 11 2004  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.99.0 - *early* beta series - preparing for 2.0.0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + All STABLE changes noted below have been ported to this branch
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Included in this release is a beta of the next generation of Heartbeat
        resource manager developed by Andrew Beekhof.  
        http://linuxha.trick.ca/NewHeartbeatDesign is a good place to learn
        more about this effort. Please examine crm/README, crm/test/README
        and crm/crm-1.0.dtd for example usage and configuration.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Also included is the L(ocal) R(esource) M(anager) developed by IBM China
        which is an integral part of the NewHeartbeatDesign.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Known caveats:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - STONITH as a whole has seen a code cleanup and should be tested
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - The external STONITH plug-in has undergone major surgery and
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      probably doesn't work yet.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - the new CRM is not perfectly stable with 3 nodes yet.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + PLEASE see http://osdl.org/developer_bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=Linux-HA
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    and use it to report quirks and issues you find!
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sat Sep 18 2004  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.2.3 (stable)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a serious error which causes heartbeat to misbehave after about
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        10 months of continuous operation
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made our ARP packets more RFC compliant
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Extended apcmastersnmp code to deal with new devices
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a bug concerning simultaneous stops of both machines causing one
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        of them to not shut down.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added an option to suppress reporting on packet corruption
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed it so that we don't create the FIFO by the RPM
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + made cl_status setgid so anyone can run it, and fixed exit codes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + eliminated a serious memory leak associated with client code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + packaged doc files which had been missed before
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed many many small bugs and memory leaks detected by BEAM
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added several new test cases
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed longstanding bug in plugin unloading
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a shutdown hang problem
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + several fixes for Solaris, FreeBSD
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Solaris packaging now included in base
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a bug related to the apache resource agent not handling
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        quoted parameters
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added use_apphbd parameter to have heartbeat register
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        with apphbd instead of watchdog device when desired
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + changed apphbd to default its config file to /etc
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added snmp subagent code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added hbaping communications plugin
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added external STONITH plugin
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + ldirectord: fixed a bug where real servers that were are
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        present in multiple virtual services will only be added
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        to one virtual service.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Mon May 11 2004  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.2.2 (stable)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed several format string errors in communication plugins
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug which kept us from diagnosing errors in non-aliased interfaces
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug in ipaddr which caused an infinite loop when auto_failback on
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Updated Debian things...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added IPv6addr resource agent
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added ibmhmc STONITH plugin
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added cl_status command
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug regarding restarts when auto_failback is on...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a couple of bugs in sha1 authentication method for very long keys
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug in the portblock resource agent so that it no longer blocks
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
          ports on the loopback interface
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Increased the time allowed for split brain test before it declares failure
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.2.1 (stable)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Netstrings can now be used for our on-the-wire data format
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Perl/SWIG bindings added for some heartbeat libraries
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Significant improvements to SAF data checkpointing API
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Implemented unbuffered ipcsocket code for SAF APIs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Many Solaris fixes -- except for ipfail, Solaris works
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Significant library restructuring
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Watchdog device NOWAYOUT is now overridded if defaulted
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Watchdog device now kills machine instantly after deadtime
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        instead of after one minute
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Hostnames should now be treated case-independently...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added new client status APIs - client_status() and cstatus_callback()
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed bug with auto_failback and quick full restarts
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + We now automatically reboot when resources fail to stop correctly...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + We now check the status of the configured STONITH device hourly...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + STONITH operations repeat after a 5 second delay, not immediately...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added hb_takeover command - complement to hb_standby
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added documentation on how to use evlog/TCP to enable testing to
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        take place without losing messages due to UDP message forwarding
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Several new tests from Mi, Jun - split brain, bandwidth, failure
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        detection time.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fix to LVM resource from Harald Milz <hm@muc.de>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed FreeBSD authentication problems breaking ipfail
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed .so loading on Debian
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed false complaints about resource scripts (from Jens Schmalzing)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed false stop failure from LinuxSCSI  (from Jens Schmalzing <j.s@lmu.de>)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Thu Apr 15 2004  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.3.0 - beta series
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Netstrings can now be used for our on-the-wire data format
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Perl/SWIG bindings added for some heartbeat libraries
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Significant improvements to SAF data checkpointing API
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Implemented unbuffered ipcsocket code for SAF APIs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Many Solaris fixes -- except for ipfail, Solaris works
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Significant library restructuring
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Watchdog device NOWAYOUT is now overridded if defaulted
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Watchdog device now kills machine instantly after deadtime
         instead of after one minute
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Hostnames should now be treated case-independently...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added new client status APIs - client_status() and cstatus_callback()
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed bug with auto_failback and quick full restarts
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + We now automatically reboot when resources fail to stop correctly...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + We now check the status of the configured STONITH device hourly...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + STONITH operations repeat after a 5 second delay, not immediately...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added hb_takeover command - complement to hb_standby
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added documentation on how to use evlog/TCP to enable testing to
        take place without losing messages due to UDP message forwarding
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Several new tests from Mi, Jun - split brain, bandwidth, failure
        detection time.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fix to LVM resource from Harald Milz <hm@muc.de>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Tue Feb 16 2004  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.2.0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Replaced the nice_failback option with the auto_failback option.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a new feature to hb_standby which allows you to give up
          any specific category of resources:  local, foreign, or all.
        The old behavior is "all" which is the default.
        This allows you to put a auto_failback no cluster into
          an active/active configuration on demand.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + ipfail now works properly with auto_failback on (active/active)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + ipfail now has "hysteresis" so that it doesn't respond immediately
        to a network failure, but waits a little while so that the
        damage can be properly assessed and extraneous takeovers avoided
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added new ping node timeout directive "deadping"
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made sure heartbeat preallocated stack and heap, and printed a
        message if we allocate heap once we're started up...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + IPMILan STONITH plugin added to CVS
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added IPaddr2 resource script
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made the APC smart UPS ups code compatible with more UPSes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a (preliminary?) ordered messaging facility from Yi Zhu
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed IPaddr's method of doing ARPs in background so that
        certain timing windows were closed.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added OCF (wrapper) resource script
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Allow respawn programs to take arguments
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added pinggroups (where any node being up is OK)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + SIGNIFICANT amount of internal rearchitecture.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Many bug fixes.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Several documentation updates.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Tue Feb 10 2004  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.1.5
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + ipfail now has "hysteresis" so that it doesn't respond immediately
        to a network failure, but waits a little while so that the
        damage can be properly assessed and extraneous takeovers avoided
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Several fixes to cl_poll()
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + More fixes to the IPC code - especially handling data reception
        after EOF
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + removed some unclean code from GSource for treating EOF conditions
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Several bugs concerning hanging when shutting down early during startup
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + A few BasicSanityCheck bug fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + CTS now allows a single machine to be able to monitor several clusters
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Most former CTS options are now either unneeded or on the command line
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Increased number of ARPs and how long they're being sent out
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed uncommon (authorization) memory leak
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Some Solaris portability fixes.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made init script handle standby correctly for new config files
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Improved the fast failure detection test
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added some backwards compatibility for nice_failback and some default
        authentication directives
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Corrected the 1.1.4 change log
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Fri Jan 22 2004  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.1.4
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + ipfail now works properly with auto_failback on (active/active)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed the API to use sockets (IPC library) instead of FIFOs.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added new apiauth directives to provide authorization information
        formerly provided by the FIFO permissions.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Intel's implementation of the SAF data checkpointing API and daemon
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a cleanup suggested by Emily Ratliff.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + IPMILan STONITH plugin added to CVS
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added IPaddr2 resource script
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Various cleanups due to horms.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed authentication to work on 64-bit platforms(!)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed the cl_poll() code to handle corner cases better
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made heartbeat close watchdog device before re-execing itself
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + New CTS improvements from Mi, Jun <jun.mi@intel.com>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Various minor bug fixes.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . Several shutdown bugs addressed
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . fixed sendarp to make a pid file, so we can shut it down
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
          when we shut everything else down in case it's still running.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . Lots of minor bug fixes to IPC code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . Lots of minor bug fixes to ipctest program
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . made BasicSanityCheck more tolerant of delays
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . Fixed IPC code to authenticate based on ints, not int*s.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . Check properly for strnlen instead of strlen...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . Several signed/unsigned fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . A few uninitialized vars now are inited
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . Switched to compiling lex/yacc sources the automake way
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      . Lots of minor CTS fixes...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + ldirectord bug fixes:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    . When new real servers are added on initialisation or when
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        the configuration file is reread they are marked with status
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        of -1 (uninitialised) so they will be checked and inserted
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        into the virtual service as required
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    . All checks use the checkport if set, otherwise the port set for
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        the individual real server. This was the case for http and
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        connect checks, but others had variations on this theme.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    . When the configuration file is reread because it changed
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        on disk and autoreload is set, check the real servers
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        immediately rather than waiting for checkinterval to expire
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    . Already running message sent to stderr instead of stdout
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    . Support alternate server in real-server specific URL
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    . Treat the same real server with different weights as a different
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        real server. Fixes bug reported by Philip Hayward whereby the same
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        real-server would always have the same weight, regardless of
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        the ldirectord.cf
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Fri Sep 26 2003  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.1.3
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Bugfix for heartbeat starting resources twice concurrently if
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    auto_failback was set to "legacy".
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Bugfix for messages getting lost if messages were sent in quick
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    succession. (Kurosawa Takahiro)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Bugfix for Filesystem resource checking for presence of filesystem
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    support before loading the module.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + BasicSanityCheck extended to cover more basic tests.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Bugfix for findif not working correctly for CIDR netmasks.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Minor bugfix for ldirectord recognizing new schedulers correctly and
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    timeout settings are now being honoured.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Enhanced the message giving a better explanation of how to set up node
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    names properly when current node not found in the ha.cf file
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Send a message to the cluster whenever we have a node which doesn't
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    need STONITHing - even though it's gone down.  This fix needed
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    by CCM, which is in turn needed by EVMS.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Enhanced the messages for missing ha.cf and missing haresources files
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    explaining that sample config files are found in the documentation. 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fix for memory leak from Forrest Zhao<forrest.zhao@intel.com>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a (preliminary?) ordered messaging facility from Yi Zhu
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + FAQ updates
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Xinetd resource script
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added OCF (wrapper) resource script
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Allow respawn programs to take arguments
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added pinggroups (where any node being up is OK)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed ldirectord negotiatetimeout for HTTP
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a bug which caused -d flag to be ignored
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + failing resource scripts are now ERRORs not WARNings
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + now shuts down correctly when auto_failback == legacy
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Mon Jul 13 2003  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.1.2
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Replaced the nice_failback option with the auto_failback option.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed IPaddr to not do ARPs in background, and shortened time 
        between ARPs.  Also made these things tunable...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + changed our comm ttys to not become our controlling TTYs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Enhanced the ServeRAID script to fix a critical bug by using a new feature
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a new DirectoryMap to CVS - tells where everything is...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + significantly enhanced the BasicSanityCheck script, and the tests
        it calls.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added a new option to use a replacement poll function for improved
        real-time performance.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added the ability to have a cluster node's name be different
        from it's uname -n
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Moved where CTS gets installed to /usr/lib/heartbeat/cts
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Big improvements to the CTS README from IBM test labs in Austin.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + bug fixes to the WTI NPS power switch
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + new client API calls:
        return arbitrary configuration parameters
        return current resource status
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a new clplumbing function: mssleep()
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added new capabilities for supporting pseudo-resources
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added new messages which come out after initial takeover is done
         (improves CTS results)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + LOTS of documentation updates.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a security vulnerability
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a bug where heartbeat would shut down while in the middle
        of processing resource movement requests.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + changed compilation flags to eliminate similar future security
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + went to even-more-strict gcc flags
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed several "reload" bugs.  Now reload works ;-)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed STONITH bug when other node never heard from.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Minor bug fixes (cleaned up corrupted message)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Two different client API bugs fixed.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + changed the configure script to test which warning flags are
        supported by the current gcc.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + enhanced the API test program to test new capabilities...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed May 21 2003  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.1.1
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Significant restructuring of the processes in heartbeat
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a new feature to hb_standby which allows you to give up
          any specific category of resources:  local, foreign, or all.
        The old behavior is "all" which is the default.
        This allows you to put a nice_failback cluster into
          an active/active configuration
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Enhancements to the ServeRAID code to make it work with the new
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    (supported) version of IPSSEND from the ServeRAID folks...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added STONITH code for the Dell remote access controller
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a major bug which kept it from taking over correctly after 246
        days or so
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a major bug where heartbeat didn't lock itself into memory
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added new ping node timeout directive "deadping"
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made sure heartbeat preallocated stack and heap, and printed a
        message if we allocate heap once we're started up...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Minor heartbeat API bug fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Minor documentation fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Minor fix to allow IP addresses with /32 masks...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a timing window for !nice_failback resource acquisition
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added several CCM bug fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made the APC smart UPS ups code compatible with more UPSes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug in respawn
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Enhanced internal checking for malloc errors...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added IP alias search optimization from Sean Reifscheneider
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Mar 19 2003  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.0.2:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed comment errors in heartbeat init script to allow it to run on RH 8.0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed apphbd to use poll(2) instead of sigtimedwait(2)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Put missing files into tarball
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Documentation improvements for IPaddr and other things
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed an error in hb_standby which kept it from working if releasing 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    resources takes more than 10 seconds
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a fix to allow heartbeat to run on systems without writable disk
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    (like routers booting from CD-ROM)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added configuration file for apphbd
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added fix from Adam Li to keep recoverymgr stop looping at high priority
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added fix to ServeRAID resource to make it work with (new) supported 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Delay resource script
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added fix to Filesystem to allow it to support NFS mounts and allow
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    user to specify mount options
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added fix to IPaddr to make tmp directory for restoring loopback device
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added fix to ipcsocket code to deal correctly with EAGAIN when sending
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    message body
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Mon Feb 17 2003  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.0.1:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed some compile errors on different platforms, and library versions
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Disable ccm from running on 'ping' nodes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Put in Steve Snodgrass' fix to send_arp to make it work on non-primary
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Thu Feb 13 2003  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 1.0.1 beta series
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed default deadtime, warntime, and heartbeat interval
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Auto* tool updates
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + VIP loopback fixes for IP address takeover
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Various Solaris and FreeBSD fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added SNMP agent
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Several CCM bug fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + two new heartbeat API calls
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + various documentation fixes, including documentation for ipfail
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Numerous minor cleanups.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a few bugs in the IPC code.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed the (IPC) bug which caused apphbd to hang the whole machine.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a new IPC call (waitout)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Wrote a simple IPC test program.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Clarified several log messages.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Cleaned up the ucast communications plugin
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Cleaned up for new C compilers
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed permissions bug in IPC which caused apphbd to not be usable by all
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a new rtprio option to the heartbeat config file
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + updated apphbtest program
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed ipfail to log things at same level heartbeat does
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sat Nov 30 2002  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.5 beta series (now renamed to 1.0.1 beta series).
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added pre-start, pre-stop, post-stop and pre-stop constructs in init script
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + various IPC fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fix to STONITH behavior: STONITH unresponsive node right after we reboot
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed extreme latency in IPC code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + various configure.in cleanups
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed memory leak in IPC socket code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added streamlined mainloop/IPC integration code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Moved more heartbeat internal communication to IPC library
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added further support for ipfail
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added supplementary groups to the respawn-ed clients
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added standby to init script actions
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Lots of minor CCM fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Split (most) resource management code into a separate file.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixes to accommodate different versions of libraries
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Heartbeat API client headers fixup
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added new API calls
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Simplified (and fixed) handling of local status.  This would sometimes cause
        obscure failures on startup.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added new IPsrcaddr resource script
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + apphbd goes into an infinite loop on some platforms
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Oct 9 2002  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh> (see doc/AUTHORS file)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed client code to keep write file descriptor open at all times
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        (realtime improvement)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a "poll replacement"  function based on sigtimedwait(2), which
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        should be faster for those cases that can use it.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a hb_warntime() call to the application heartbeat API.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed all times in the configuration file to be in milliseconds
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        if specified with "ms" at the end.  (seconds is still the default).
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixes to serious security issue due to Nathan Wallwork <nwallwo@pnm.com>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed read/write child processes to run as nobody.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug where ping packets are printed incorrectly when debugging.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed heartbeat code to preallocate a some heap space.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + CCM daemon API restructuring
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added ipc_channel_pair() function to the IPC library.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed everything to use longclock_t instead of clock_t
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug concerning the ifwalk() call on ping nodes in the API
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made apphbd run at high priority and locked into memory
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made a library for setting priority up.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made ucast comm module at least be configurable and loadable.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a startup/shutdown timing problem.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + removed an "open" call for /proc/loadavg (improve realtime behavior)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + changed API code to not 1-char reads from clients
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Ignored certain error conditions from API clients
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed an obscure error message about trying to retransmit a packet
        which we haven't sent yet.  This happens after restarts.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + made the PILS libraries available in a separate package
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + moved the stonith headers to stonith/... when installed
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + improved debugging for NV failure cases...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + updated AUTHORS file and simplified the changelog authorship
        (look in AUTHORS for the real story)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Ram Pai's CCM membership code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added the application heartbeat code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added the Kevin Dwyer's ipfail client code to the distribution
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Many fixes for various tool versions and OS combinations.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a few bugs related to clients disconnecting.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed some bugs in the CTS test code.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added BasicSanityCheck script to tell if built objects look good.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added PATH-like capabilities to PILS
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed STONITH to use the new plugin system.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + *Significantly* improved STONITH usage message (from Lorn Kay)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed some bugs related to restarting.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made exit codes more LSB-compliant.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed various things so that ping nodes don't break takeovers.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  0.4.9c and before:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Cluster partitioning  now handled correctly (really!)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Complete rearchitecture of plugin system
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Complete restructure of build system to use automake and port things
        to AIX, FreeBSD and solaris.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Lclaudio's "standby" capability to put a node into standby
        mode on demand.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added code to send out gratuitous ARP requests as well as gratuitous
        arp replies during IP address takeover.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Suppress stonith operations for nodes which went down gracefully.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Significantly improved real-time performance
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added new unicast heartbeat type.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added code to make serial ports flush stale data on new connections.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + The Famous CLK_TCK compile time fixes (really!)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a document which describes the heartbeat API
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed the code which makes FIFOs to not try and make the FIFOs for
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        named clients, and several other minor API client changes.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a fairly rare client API bug where it would shut down the
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        client for no apparent reason.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added stonith plugins for: apcmaster, apcmastersnmp switches, and ssh
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        module (for test environments only)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Integrated support for the Baytech RPC-3 switch into baytech module
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixes to APC UPS plugin
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Got rid of "control_process: NULL message" message
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Got rid of the "controlfifo2msg: cannot create message" message
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added -h option to give usage message for stonith command...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Wait for successful STONITH completion, and retry if its configured.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Sped up takeover code.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Several potential timing problems eliminated.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Cleaned up the shutdown (exit) code considerably.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Detect the death of our core child processes.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed where usage messages go depending on exit status from usage().
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made some more functions static.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Real-time performance improvement changes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Updated the faqntips document
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a feature to heartbeat.h so that log messages get checked as
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        printf-style messages on GNU C compilers
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed several log messages to have the right parameters (discovered
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        as a result of the change above)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Numerous FreeBSD, Solaris and OpenBSD fixes.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added backwards compatibility kludge for udp (versus bcast)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Queued messages to API clients instead of throwing them away.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added code to send out messages when clients join, leave.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added support for spawning and monitoring child clients.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Cleaned up error messages.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added support for DB2, ServeRAID and WAS, LVM, and Apache (IBMhttp too),
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    also ICP Vortex controller.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added locking when creating new IP aliases.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a "unicast" media option.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a new SimulStart and standby test case.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Diddled init levels around...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added an application-level heartbeat API.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added several new "plumbing" subsystems (IPC, longclock_t, proctrack, etc.)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a new "contrib" directory.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed serious (but trivial) bug in the process tracking code which caused
        it to exit heartbeat - this occured repeatably for STONITH operations.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Write a 'v' to the watchdog device to tell it not to reboot us when
        we close the device.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Various ldirectord fixes due to Horms
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Minor patch from Lorn Kay to deal with loopback interfaces which might
        have been put in by LVS direct routing
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Updated AUTHORS file and moved list of authors over
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Fri Mar 16 2001  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.9
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Split into 3 rpms - heartbeat, heartbeat-stonith heartbeat-ldirectord
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made media modules and authentication modules and stonith modules
        dynamically loadable.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Multicast media support
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added ping node/membership/link type for tiebreaking.  This will
        be useful when implementing quorum on 2-node systems.
        (not yet compatible with nice_failback(?))
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Removed ppp support
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Heartbeat client API support
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added STONITH API library
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    +   support for the Baytech RPC-3A power switch
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    +   support for the APCsmart UPS
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    +   support for the VACM cluster management tool
    +        support for WTI RPS10
    +        support for Night/Ware RPC100S
    +        support for "Meatware" (human intervention) module
    +        support for "null" (testing only) module
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed startup timing bugs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed shutdown sequence bugs: takeover occured before
        resources were released by other system
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed various logging bugs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Closed holes in protection against replay attacks
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added checks that complain if all resources aren't idle on startup.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + IP address takeover fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + Endian fixes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + Removed the 8-alias limitation
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
      + Takeovers now occur faster (ARPs occur asynchronously)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Port number changes
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Use our IANA port number (694) by default
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + Recognize our IANA port number ("ha-cluster") if it's in /etc/services
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Moved several files, etc. from /var/run to /var/lib/heartbeat
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Incorporated new ldirectord version
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added late heartbeat warning for late-arriving heartbeats
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added detection of and partial recovery from cluster partitions
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Accept multiple arguments for resource scripts
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Raid1 and Filesystem resource scripts
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added man pages
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added debian package support
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Fri Jun 30 2000 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.8
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Incorporated ldirectord version 1.9 (fixes memory leak)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made the order of resource takeover more rational:  Takeover is now
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    left-to-right, and giveup is right-to-left
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed the default port number to our official IANA port number (694)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Regularized more messages, eliminated some redundant ones.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Print the version of heartbeat when starting.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Print exhaustive version info when starting with debug on.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Hosts now have 3 statuses {down, up, active} active means that it knows
        that all its links are operational, and it's safe to send cluster
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Significant revisions to nice_failback (mainly due to lclaudio)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + More SuSE-compatibility. Thanks to Friedrich Lobenstock <fl@fl.priv.at>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Tidied up logging so it can be to files, to syslog or both (Horms)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Tidied up build process (Horms)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Updated ldirectord to produce and install a man page and be
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    compatible with the fwmark options to The Linux Virtual Server (Horms)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added log rotation for ldirectord and heartbeat using logrotate
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    if it is installed
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Audible Alarm resource by Kirk Lawson <lklawson@heapy.com> 
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    and myself (Horms)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added init script for ldirectord so it can be run independently
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    of heartbeat (Horms)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added sample config file for ldirectord (Horms)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + An empty /etc/ha.d/conf/ is now part of the rpm distribution
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    as this is where ldirectord's configuration belongs (Horms)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Minor startup script tweaks.  Hopefully, we should be able to make core
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    files should we crash in the future.  Thanks to Holger Kiehl for diagnosing
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    the problem!
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug which kept the "logfile" option from ever working.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a TestCluster test utility.  Pretty primitive so far...
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed the serial locking code so that it unlocks when it shuts down.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Lock heartbeat into memory, and raise our priority
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Minor, but important fix from lclaudio to init uninited variable.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sat Dec 25 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.7
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added the nice_failback feature. If the cluster is running when
        the primary starts it acts as a secondary. (Luis Claudio Goncalves)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Put in lots of code to make lost packet retransmission happen
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Stopped trying to use the /proc/ha interface
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Finished the error recovery in the heartbeat protocol (and got it to work)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added test code for the heartbeat protocol
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Raised the maximum length of a node name
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Jacob Rief's ldirectord resource type
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Stefan Salzer's <salt@cin.de> fix for a 'grep' in IPaddr which
        wasn't specific enough and would sometimes get IPaddr confused on
        IP addresses that prefix-matched.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added Lars Marowsky-Bree's suggestion to make the code almost completely
        robust with respect to jumping the clock backwards and forwards
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added code from Michael Moerz <mike@cubit.at> to keep findif from
        core dumping if /proc/route can't be read.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Mon Nov 22 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed timing problem in "heartbeat restart" so it's reliable now
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made start/stop status compatible with SuSE expectations
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made resource status detection compatible with SuSE start/stop expectations
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug relating to serial and ppp-udp authentication (it never worked)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added a little more substance to the error recovery for the HB protocol.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug for logging from shell scripts
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a little logging for initial resource acquisition
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added #!/bin/sh to the front of shell scripts
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed Makefile, so that the build root wasn't compiled into pathnames
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Turned on CTSRTS, enabling for flow control for serial ports.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug which kept it from working in non-English environments
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Oct 13 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.5
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Mijta Sarp added a new feature to authenticate heartbeat packets
        using a variety of strong authentication techniques
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed resource acquisition and relinquishment to occur in heartbeat,
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
       instead of in the start/stop script.  This means you don't *really*
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
       have to use the start/stop script if you don't want to.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added -k option to gracefully shut down current heartbeat instance
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added -r option to cause currently running heartbeat to reread config files
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added -s option to report on operational status of "heartbeat"
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Sped up resource acquisition on master restart.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added validation of ipresources file at startup time.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added code to allow the IPaddr takeover script to be given the
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        interface to take over, instead of inferring it.  This was requested
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        by Lars Marowsky-Bree
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Incorporated patch from Guenther Thomsen to implement locking for
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        serial ports used for heartbeats
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Incorporated patch from Guenther Thomsen to clean up logging.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
        (you can now use syslog and/or file logs)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Improved FreeBSD compatibility.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a bug where the FIFO doesn't get created correctly.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a couple of uninitialized variables in heartbeat and /proc/ha code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed longstanding crash bug related to getting a SIGALRM while in malloc
        or free.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Implemented new memory management scheme, including memory stats
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Thu Sep 16 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.4
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed a stupid error in handling CIDR addresses in IPaddr.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Updated the documentation with the latest from Rudy.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Sep 15 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.3
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed startup scripts to create /dev/watchdog if needed
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Turned off loading of /proc/ha module by default.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Incorporated bug fix from Thomas Hepper <th@ant.han.de> to IPaddr for
        PPP configurations
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Put in a fix from Gregor Howey <ghowey@bremer-nachrichten.de>
        where Gregor found that I had stripped off the ::resourceid part
        of the string in ResourceManager resulting in some bad calls later on.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Made it compliant with the FHS (filesystem hierarchy standard)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Fixed IP address takeover so we can take over on non-eth0 interface
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Fixed IP takeover code so we can specify netmasks and broadcast addrs,
        or default them at the user's option.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Added code to report on message buffer usage on SIGUSR[12]
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Made SIGUSR1 increment debug level, and SIGUSR2 decrement it.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Incorporated Rudy's latest "Getting Started" document
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Made it largely Debian-compliant.  Thanks to Guenther Thomsen, Thomas
        Hepper, Iñaki Fernández Villanueva and others.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Made changes to work better with Red Hat 6.1, and SMP code.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  +  Sometimes it seems that the Master Control Process dies :-(
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sat Aug 14 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.2
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Implemented simple resource groups
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Implemented application notification for groups starting/stopping
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Eliminated restriction on floating IPs only being associated with eth0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added a uniform resource model, with IP resources being only one kind.
        (Thanks to Lars Marowsky-Bree for a good suggestion)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Largely rewrote the IP address takeover code, making it clearer, fit
        into the uniform resource model, and removing some restrictions.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Preliminary "Getting Started" document by Rudy Pawul
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Improved the /proc/ha code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed memory leak associated with serial ports, and problem with return
        of control to the "master" node.
        (Thanks to Holger Kiehl for reporting them, and testing fixes!)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Tue Jul 6 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.1
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed major memory leak in 0.4.0 (oops!)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added code to eliminate duplicate packets and log lost ones
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Tightened up PPP/UDP startup/shutdown code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made PPP/UDP peacefully coexist with "normal" udp
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made logs more uniform and neater
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed several other minor bugs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added very preliminary kernel code for monitoring and controlling
        heartbeat via /proc/ha.  Very cool, but not really done yet.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Jun 30 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.4.0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Changed packet format from single line positional parameter style
        to a collection of {name,value} pairs.  A vital change for the future.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Fixed some bugs with regard to forwarding data around rings
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + We now modify /etc/ppp/ip-up.local, so PPP-udp works out of the box
        (at least for Red Hat)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Includes the first version of Volker Wiegand's Hardware Installation Guide
        (it's pretty good for a first version!)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Wed Jun 09 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.3.2
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added UDP/PPP bidirectional serial ring heartbeat
        (PPP ensures data integrity on the serial links)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a stupid bug which caused shutdown to give unpredictable
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added timestamps to /var/log/ha-log messages
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + fixed a couple of other minor oversights.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sun May 10 1999  Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.3.1
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Make ChangeLog file from RPM specfile
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Made ipresources only install in the DOC directory as a sample
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sun May 09 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.3.0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added UDP broadcast heartbeat (courtesy of Tom Vogt)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Significantly restructured code making it easier to add heartbeat media
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + added new directives to config file:
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + udp interface-name
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + udpport port-number
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    + baud    serial-baud-rate
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + made manual daemon shutdown easier (only need to kill one)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + moved the sample ha.cf file to the Doc directory
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
* Sat Mar 27 1999 Alan Robertson <alanr@unix.sh>
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
+ Version 0.2.0
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Make an RPM out of it
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Integrated IP address takeover gotten from Horms
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Added support to tickle a watchdog timer whenever our heart beats
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Integrated enough basic code to allow a 2-node demo to occur
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  + Integrated patches from Andrew Hildebrand <andrew@pdi.com> to allow it
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    to run under IRIX.
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
  - Known Bugs
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Only supports 2-node clusters
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Only supports a single IP interface per node in the cluster
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Doesn't yet include Tom Vogt's ethernet heartbeat code
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - No documentation
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
    - Not very useful yet :-)
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6
Joost Soeterbroek 44764b6