#2 Update to 3.2.1
Opened 6 years ago by eclipseo. Modified 6 years ago
rpms/ eclipseo/guake master  into  master

No commits found

Update to 3.2.1 as requested on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fedora/comments/8c9i4b/guake_3/

It depends on keybinder-3.0, which is requested here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1567556
⇒ Done, built in F28 and Rawhide.

Built in mock and fedora-reviewed with no issue.

rebased onto 6691d58

5 years ago

I've been running this for a couple of days now and I run into issues where the window simply doesn't hide anymore, it blinks off as if it was going to close and immediately after shows up again. As if I had pressed two times very quickly the toggle key :(