#5 Add OSCI tests
Opened 5 years ago by pschindl. Modified 5 years ago
rpms/ pschindl/gnome-calculator f29  into  f29

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+ 1

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+ - name: Install Workstation packages

+   dnf:

+     name: '@Fedora Workstation'

+     state: present

+ - name: Install behave

+   dnf:

+     name: 'https://pschindl.fedorapeople.org/python3-behave-1.2.6-3.fc29.noarch.rpm'

+     state: present

+ - name: Install libselinux-python

+   dnf:

+     name: libselinux-python

+     state: present

+ - name: Set up user test

+   user:

+     name: test

+     groups:

+       - wheel

+       - adm

+     password: $6$lJYbJXPZrkeslR0K$H46Th6V.IdaHEPWt7YUSIwz9r16LWWDFSrIvbmUOyZaGMWfXzS1wb5iWPuMmX9VeSz/wiKj5003sl6gDQ/cUD.

+ - name: Set passwordless sudo

+   lineinfile:

+     path: /etc/sudoers

+     state: present

+     regexp: '^%wheel\s'

+     line: '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'

+ - name: Set gdm to use xorg session

+   ini_file:

+     path: /etc/gdm/custom.conf

+     section: daemon

+     option: WaylandEnable

+     value: false

+   when: wayland is undefined

+ - name: Turn off lock screen when we are idle

+   command: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0

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+ ---


+ # qemu options: https://qemu.weilnetz.de/doc/qemu-doc.html


+ standard-inventory-qcow2:

+   qemu:

+     # RAM size in megabytes. Optionally, a suffix of “M” or “G”.

+     m: 3G


+ # vim:ft=yaml: ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab


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+ # Basic tests for gnome-calculator

+ - hosts: localhost

+   pre_tasks:

+   - name: Prepare the system

+     include: prepare.yml

+     tags:

+     - classic

+   roles:

+   - role: standard-test-basic

+     tags:

+     - classic

+     required_packages:

+     - gnome-calculator

+     - python3-pydbus

+     - python3-dogtail

+     - python3-dogtail-scripts

+     - python3-iniparse

+     repositories:

+     - repo: "https://pagure.io/desktop-qa/gnome-calculator.git"

+       dest: "gnome-calculator"

+       version: "f29"

+     tests:

+     - startViaMenu:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh start_via_command

+     - startViaCommand:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh start_via_menu

+     - closeViaGnomePanel:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh close_via_gnome_panel

+     - closeViaShortcut:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh quit_via_shortcut

+     - help:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh help

+     - basic_add:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh basic_add

+     - basic_subtract:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh basic_subtract

+     - basic_multiply:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh basic_multiply

+     - basic_divide:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh basic_divide

+     - basic_brackets:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh basic_brackets

+     - advanced_calculation:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh advanced_calculation

+     - financial_calculation:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh financial_calculation

+     - programming_calculation:

+         dir: "gnome-calculator"

+         run: ./runtest.sh programming_calculation