Care was taken to make the gitolite deployment from RPM as close to the upstream's way of installing gitolite. Therefore, the documentation shipped with the package should be useful and gl-install a gl-easy-install scripts should work. The "easy" installation should be done as follows: 1.) Add your key to ~gitolite/.ssh/authorized_keys 2a.) If gitolite is running on the same machine, that you are using, run: gl-easy-install gitolite localhost $LOGNAME 2b.) If gitolite is running on another machine, run on your local machine: gl-easy-install gitolite 3.) gitolite-admin is cloned. Now you can add repositories by modyfing configuration there and pushing it back. The other way to do that would be to su to gitolite user, run "gl-install", follow the instructions and then manually populate the gitolite-admin.git repository (and recompile the configuration, as you'd be instructed). To access the repositories, always use "gitolite" as user name. Gitolite doesn't use UNIX users/permissions to implement access control, it implements its own and determines the user name from the key used.