5f91b5a - Updated to version 2.2.2rc1

Authored and Committed by joost 16 years ago
    - Updated to version 2.2.2rc1
    - Enabled debuginfo for ppc64 again
    - Do not strip the debugdata on x86_64 anymore
    - Packages_base, packages_fcl and packages_extra are merged into packages
    - Don't install packages_fv separately anymore
    - Fix for incorrect path in official fpc 2.2.2rc1-sourcefile
    - Updated licence-tag from "GPL and modified LGPL" to fedora-tag "GPLv2+
        and LGPLv2+ with exceptions"
    - Removed UsePrebuildcompiler define for ppc64
file modified
+1 -5
file modified
+22 -30
file modified
+1 -5