#23 Add a Requires for lua-srpm-macros
Opened 3 years ago by salimma. Modified 3 years ago
rpms/ salimma/epel-rpm-macros epel8-lua-macros  into  epel8

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I'd like to get this reviewed even though I have commit access as a provenpackager; if this is fine, I plan to merge in the same change for epel8-playground, epel7 and el6.

Rationale: Lua macros are currently shipped in lua-devel in stable Fedora releases and EL8. It makes it hard to use the few macros we need at SRPM creation time, and also to update them without rebuilding lua (this is also why EL7 and EL6 don't have Lua macros).

Fixing EL8 to remove the macros from lua-devel (part of RHEL) would be difficult so for EPEL8 we're only pulling in lua-srpm-macros (some definitions would be duplicated but that's fine), but for EL6 and EL7 they never have the macros shipped so we can modify epel-rpm-macros to pull in both.

Signed-off-by: Michel Alexandre Salim salimma@fedoraproject.org

rebased onto d524b42

3 years ago

Seems fine to me, unless lua-srpm-macros pull in a bunch of things (which they shouldn't).

+1 to merge and build.