#3 cri-o upstreamfirst tests
Merged 6 years ago by lsm5. Opened 6 years ago by santiago.
rpms/ santiago/cri-o upstreamfirst_tests  into  master

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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash

+ #

+ # Simple wrapper for cri-o tests

+ #


+ set -x


+ exec >/tmp/test.debug.log 2>&1


+ echo "************************************************************************"

+ echo "* This log contains the output from test_crio.sh."

+ echo "*"

+ echo "* It is almost certainly not what you want. What you want is"

+ echo "* probably test.full.log , which is the output of test_runner.sh ,"

+ echo "* the actual cri-o tests."

+ echo "************************************************************************"


+ rm -f /tmp/test.log /tmp/test.full.log


+ cd /usr/share/cri-o/test


+ # Gah

+ cp --force redhat_sigstore.yaml \

+     /etc/containers/registries.d/registry.access.redhat.com.yaml


+ export CRIO_CNI_PLUGIN=/usr/libexec/cni

+ export PAUSE_BINARY=/usr/libexec/crio/pause

+ export CRIO_BINARY=/usr/bin/crio

+ export CONMON_BINARY=/usr/libexec/crio/conmon

+ export SECCOMP_PROFILE=/etc/crio/seccomp.json


+ ./test_runner.sh &> /tmp/test.full.log


+ status=$?


+ # Sample output from cri-tests:

+ #

+ #   not ok 35 ctr update resources

+ #   ok 84 pod stop idempotent with ctrs already stopped

+ #   ok 86 # skip (need systemd cgroup manager) invalid systemd cgroup_parent

+ #

+ # convert those to:

+ #

+ #   FAIL 35 ctr ...

+ #   PASS 84 pod stop ...

+ #

+ sed -n                            \

+     -e 's/^ok /PASS /p'           \

+     -e 's/^not ok /FAIL /p'       \

+     </tmp/test.full.log           \

+     >/tmp/test.log


+ exit $status

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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ 

+ ---

+ - hosts: localhost

+   vars:

+   - artifacts: ./artifacts

+   tags:

+     - classic

+     - container

+ #    - atomic


+   tasks:

+   - name: install integration tests

+     dnf: name={{ item }} state=present enablerepo=updates-testing

+     with_items:

+       - cri-o

+       - cri-o-integration-tests

+       - cri-tools

+       - nmap-ncat

+       - socat

+       - containernetworking-cni

+       - conntrack-tools

+       - python2

+       - bats


+   - block:

+       - name: Run test

+         script: ./test_crio.sh

+     always:

+       - name: Pull out logs

+         fetch:

+           src: "/tmp/{{ item }}"

+           dest: "{{ artifacts }}/{{ item }}"

+           flat: yes

+         with_items:

+           - test.log

+           - test.debug.log

+           - test.full.log

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ - import_playbook: test_crio.yml

Note that tests currently do not pass on f27 or f28, due to a mismatch between cri-tools and cri-o: the cri-o integration tests currently invoke crictl ps --podsandbox, and that flag is not available on the currently-shipped cri-tools.

Seriously, we need to figure out a way to set up dependencies between these two sets of tools.

well, there's nothing much to do apart from making sure we build from the same release branch. Can you file a bz please?

Commit ce0b9dc fixes this pull-request

Pull-Request has been merged by lsm5

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by lsm5

6 years ago