#1 Update to bison 3.6.3 (#1792738)
Closed 3 years ago by submachine. Opened 4 years ago by defolos.
rpms/ defolos/bison master  into  master

file modified
+21 -12
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@ 

  Summary: A GNU general-purpose parser generator

  Name: bison

- Version: 3.5

- Release: 2%{?dist}

+ Version: 3.6.4

+ Release: 1%{?dist}

  License: GPLv3+

- Source: ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/bison/bison-%{version}.tar.xz

+ Source0: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz

+ Source1: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/%{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz.sig

+ # genereted from https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-keyring.gpg via:

+ # curl https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-keyring.gpg | gpg2 --import

+ # gpg2 --export --export-options export-minimal 7DF84374B1EE1F9764BBE25D0DDCAA3278D5264E > gpgkey-7DF84374B1EE1F9764BBE25D0DDCAA3278D5264E.gpg

+ Source2: gpgkey-7DF84374B1EE1F9764BBE25D0DDCAA3278D5264E.gpg


  # testsuite dependency

  BuildRequires: gcc-c++

  BuildRequires: autoconf

  BuildRequires: flex

+ BuildRequires: gnupg2


- URL: http://www.gnu.org/software/bison/

+ URL: http://www.gnu.org/software/%{name}/

  BuildRequires: m4 >= 1.4


  Requires: m4 >= 1.4
@@ -68,25 +74,25 @@ 

  Bison manual section for more information.



- %setup -q

+ %{gpgverify} --keyring='%{SOURCE2}' --signature='%{SOURCE1}' --data='%{SOURCE0}'

+ %autosetup




- make

+ %make_build



  make check

  #make maintainer-check



- rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

- %makeinstall

+ %make_install


  # Remove unpackaged files.

- rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/yacc

- rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_infodir}/dir

- rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/yacc*

- rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/*

+ rm -f %{_buildroot}/%{_bindir}/yacc

+ rm -f %{_buildroot}/%{_infodir}/dir

+ rm -f %{_buildroot}/%{_mandir}/man1/yacc*

+ rm -rf %{_buildroot}/%{_docdir}/%{name}/examples/*


  %find_lang %{name}

  %find_lang %{name}-runtime
@@ -113,6 +119,9 @@ 




+ * Sun Jul  5 2020 Dan Čermák <dan.cermak@cgc-instruments.com> - 3.6.4-1

+ - Update to bison 3.6.4 (#1792738, #1847608)


  * Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 3.5-2

  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild


empty or binary file added
file modified
+2 -1
@@ -1,1 +1,2 @@ 

- SHA512 (bison-3.5.tar.xz) = 309ba77cfbf5d5ca697f522ac18ca9b55a1ec4e690b87220c97ffb1137b8bd8b22aa14c111166f0f4bf001e88f4bcbfd0583bc09810c246f0dc60fd6e8478950

+ SHA512 (bison-3.6.4.tar.xz) = 041cd87f4ca6b012031719a49aa81e62d3c0817c6364289732e6a3cb9a0762498760e0f2ce84c03ca9e9b74eb74bdffd1b8b86d2b4a6e4a0d8c8a4b864b672dc

+ SHA512 (bison-3.6.4.tar.xz.sig) = 6ad8df66219c3e828f10d4a4b8d8b083c124af81976030c57630b9a2d290415581b1165b65672b8f2caa8804f06d4ac9708c66bc3e7a8759f784bd47dab9ccd2

file removed
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ 


- Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


- mQGiBD8yt+oRBADkmVuWjrl0k0lrYOdaczAslirKeiayAd8868d7V6GzfFc/HES4

- tFhi+okVybTAUJ6i4oKmIV0c5pNyzZ3TErHYFb40RP0FgW39SMgAIQ/H/kBMSjrq

- jQNQi9TsXolNc2v+8rkYGRkR20PiIUwKxeZvgB6tyMNFTb9/NrwqNM+E2wCgobBp

- 1S/UnaRfYRt+CYH91TTTPWUD/jW/S9ddc0yXOwx2f99f+gIJ6KIQmRihP3LvTdlf

- vWwv1M8y9uWteXP11rcmvdRryL40irKP3gUnBHo7h3+vicTlG/YV0lvVPzo12mgO

- 6yEO1eJmxYYkqeQ4Tzy95SG1xuoEYK6daOHPAZTBdoUCHJXaJhxbllPSgx6F0taT

- S4u9BADgXDuE1lduOsQeIa8LadO7MtRdCC+lpuh6OErNnHgVCBnOJzIWY6Vtw0mZ

- nvKvwQCTbgwC5ZF2VdcfKfnNsz1Uc/tie7bGo4rz1CnHMokRT6+CMpkSg0+8CAFM

- LSYIZP0Bs4YCD1XxoVef/3xqULSzY9tEc0hB/eCOfuXCFiHbuLQcUGF1bCBFZ2dl


- AgMWAgECF4AACgkQ1h7LNGmkcmsIhwCdEqoVFmJzghAzkqwDlO+zO8vwNZMAn13H

- cKAWAkQ1XttffFpQ4g63o5CYuQENBD8yt+0QBACVjyAOjVJIv/H7mCYAIdx1mF+U

- BOIZzEKsJnqIR+8DZvDsmY6dvkvDEETlMlE3D+mH+CuNylDsHChDKBVTonrKsPdl

- woVjkh2lQ5x67U929cNpJ3O5+Y3DxiANj1NPV3rgUePO/HxqFnRZdWtw6kXcnDgQ

- ELVhB2ngzU1Jxfu9YwADBgP/UkK5GfBuhqY/5UessEZNs2vzRoVe/jsj4AF0zUfO

- 37FbUllURV+3bK6knN6L/l77mDGh/oHqBr4drewxWN9EQMB8lhKHVunazmQ7kTcZ

- O8xnZQubASTnM6Hd7OL4wJAcpVyQOBaVsPDOf0vlqCHX+xj1T+mxJPhqZrHqmJeV


- H9CzH0gE60M9mACfXqEHT1kDN+s5z64kiKr0lNe3+9GZAaIEQuEYHxEEAP1h6Eyn

- sdMRGwx3/tlUoeHFjVe7fkN/JzlL5Z6oao+Y/Yf2ESBg/XB0/8FaS7CTQMHKChip

- a9Wivp+GiqzKCewULYLApLUS5WO+xJ8wGPIShIUh33Vups7rR7JGqQ98pxbTk8E/


- CwP/VMH3PtBfPRgwqiUrydXT95zogct+RivNzwzIsKxi+0w1BhYdCLNgXD7TA3lT

- QsgLytskVer1T1dmp6bwH5ZW05iTzSOQqq8EI4sA5AYq5JIvUmIRYKg5R+LGuDxP

- 8Ruvw53NSE1hLtsC+qiQxHqcDK+t2vf8nSU7bcom92OuDZoD/3JEYfumdlrt/BR/

- Vv/dqG9kKLCoXNbuV+X4Aq8RTSOszopBUc+TJIqZNaAq13n4XUDqznhmlWq0d5x2

- CWQimDQzMn/2vjacJ/MNTdxcw+7s/rjnFy/LBWT/cRuUxgk3B+wlDHp4z5V1HLWF

- ed49y4OHWxF7qvONM3ccwABW/xnvtCBQYXVsIEVnZ2VydCA8ZWdnZXJ0QGNzLnVj


- AheAAAoJELk/YMa1xM4TocEAoI6ngp3vBGXrLRkFFibu5kNbFoIvAKClFUC21RFB

- xrC1eZoD2/df9IG/pLkCDQRC4RguEAgAutFBZGkpmjmVPG16cZDdXcAEEyKxse+s

- W3ftiv/h8x2cvEmy8x3A2tuCWf5gSJ3viawdkAp5w9d42IoC4O3COF3B7nRpR6FU

- 6o193OXLrJhNjmBV5iGgyLZfkxuA686J7BP2yxUSzwJjAhyk1S+70sg3cygMLDT0

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- O5HkxSnd/3CYB2FBIzlM0XIWvEoZ/z6shroIySIGZlxnbZXFO//nVEC4EHQ7JKyj

- 7X+HvH2lumkjSnX51X0hmqBjeRvFK2gIu59DyZRTHiXtXE4Mdy+kXwADBQf+Ptps

- V+WJ1BuemoEmaDgNCuO+JxH1D04/ux7PXCxZKU1+k4vtwdDPXSDpWxpGD8XWgN9C

- if06GWHejBTgTRQoy4ygiBAo8B/vUQZdBL80z6rUuIOVg/EBUDiJV0Pz6Z7dwKfv

- Bb2+F8flhqJDdPLs6VxYddd5ZemXbBBe2KanIsyP7Pk586sTzuU7PMTcEMcizkzg

- HiMTY8zBd8+dBM7hn30/NORLsEfJpf+E4eC72TpJK4ZRfZpk03rMWBoZFziCfxjL

- XUOB44tQK0yn53vreX1jcc5urmI4z7j7yD3sypkYCwn7gpwyxPB9A6zDf9HyvWpf

- um6/jkof6fvV+OcRrYhPBBgRAgAPBQJC4RguAhsMBQkFo5qAAAoJELk/YMa1xM4T

- y7QAmgPizj1fRazw/BFTyStLPjUAFXNlAKCnTTwKv96JkWTxcIILLfibPRmnFw==

- =rfoO


Update bison to 3.6.3 and add source file verification via gpg

Thanks for the PR, Arjun has been out for a while and he'll be back next week, and we're already looking at updating to 3.6.4 since that was released on 2020-06-15.

Because we want to update to 3.6.4 I'm going to drop this pull-request.

rebased onto 7811e6b

3 years ago

I have updated this PR to include the version bump to 3.6.4. and added a reference that this fixes CVE-2020-14150 (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1847608) as well.

@defolos Awesome! Arjun is back in the office so he'll get to review this.

Yeah, I just bumped the version, which is not sufficient in this case (see the simple-koji-ci failure): there is a bunch of new files that still need to be added to the %files section. I'll try to takle this soon-ish or @submachine if he beats me to it ;-)

Yeah, I just bumped the version, which is not sufficient in this case (see the simple-koji-ci failure): there is a bunch of new files that still need to be added to the %files section. I'll try to takle this soon-ish or @submachine if he beats me to it ;-)

Hi, sorry, I've been AFK for a rather long time (months).

Thanks! I see you're already part-way through this. Since you're already working on it, I'm happy to look at your proposed update when it comes on here. Otherwise, updating this is on my TODO list and if you don't find time, I'll be happy to pick it back up mid-week.

Just spoke to @defolos on Freenode IRC. I'll be taking this one to completion and update here. Thanks for your work, @defolos!

Dan included three commits in this PR. My review:

Update to bison 3.6.4 (#1792738, #1847608)

Looks okay. Also adds Akim Demaille's exported gpg key, which leads into the next commit:

Add source file verification using %gpgverify

Looks okay. The GNU project maintainer keyring is 2.5M. Dan exported Akim's (primary bison maintainer) key and added a comment on how to reproduce the file. I verified it separately and the key file generated by me matches the one I exported from the GNU maintainer keyring.

Use macros where applicable and drop unecessary rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

Has one small typo: _buildroot should actually be 'buildroot', which is the correct macro. This is why build and consequently koji CI failed.

Because of this typo, I'm going to close this PR. Since this is a minor typo, I've already made the edit on Dan's behalf and pushed it.

Pull-Request has been closed by submachine

3 years ago