From 7592c91152116bbcbaeab29e66bb2b1435c99ba6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Hans Ulrich Niedermann Date: Jan 27 2019 16:57:37 +0000 Subject: Do not accidentally build this spec for F < 30 After this spec file lacks the install-info scriptlets required for older distributions than Fedora 30. This makes sure the build fails if you ever tried to build this scriptlet-less F30-and-later spec file for older distributions such as F28 or EL7 or ... A failed build is better than silently not properly installing the rpm package. --- diff --git a/avrdude.spec b/avrdude.spec index 690c09d..96f5b93 100644 --- a/avrdude.spec +++ b/avrdude.spec @@ -28,6 +28,14 @@ BuildRequires: texi2html BuildRequires: texinfo-tex BuildRequires: tetex-dvips +# +%if 0%{?fedora} >= 30 +%{nil} +%else +%{error:No install-info scriptlets for Fedora prior to F30 or EL7/EL6.} +%endif + + %description AVRDUDE is a program for programming Atmel's AVR CPU's. It can program the Flash and EEPROM, and where supported by the serial programming protocol, it