%global app_root %{_datadir}/%{name} %global doc_root %{_datadir}/%{name}-doc %if 0%{?fedora} > 16 %global rubyver 1.9.3 %global rubyabi 1.9.1 %else %global rubyver 1.8.1 %global rubyabi 1.8 %endif Name: aeolus-conductor Version: 0.10.6 Release: 2%{?dist} Summary: The Aeolus Conductor Group: Applications/System License: ASL 2.0 and MIT and BSD URL: http://aeolusproject.org # to build source tarball # git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/aeolus/conductor.git # git checkout v0.3.0_RC_1 # make dist # cp aeolus-conductor-0.3.0.tar.gz ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES Source0: aeolus-conductor-%{version}.tar.gz Requires: ruby >= %{rubyver} Requires: ruby(abi) = %{rubyabi} Requires: rubygem(rails) >= 3.0.7 Requires: rubygem(haml) >= 3.1 Requires: rubygem(mustache) >= 0.99.4 Requires: rubygem(nokogiri) >= 1.4.0 Requires: rubygem(will_paginate) >= 3.0 Requires: rubygem(deltacloud-client) >= 0.4.0 Requires: rubygem(simple-navigation) Requires: rubygem(rest-client) >= 1.6.1 Requires: rubygem(builder) Requires: rubygem(json) Requires: rubygem(rack-restful_submit) Requires: rubygem(uuidtools) Requires: rubygem(rails_warden) Requires: rubygem(aeolus-image) >= 0.1.0-4 Requires: rubygem(pg) Requires: rubygem(ruby-net-ldap) Requires: rubygem(oauth) Requires: rubygem(rake) Requires: rubygem(delayed_job) >= 2.1.4 Requires: rubygem(paranoia) Requires: rubygem(compass) >= 0.11.5 Requires: rubygem(compass-960-plugin) >= 0.10.4 Requires: postgresql Requires: postgresql-server Requires: system-logos %if 0%{?fedora} > 16 Requires: rubygem(net-ldap) %else Requires: rubygem(fastercsv) Requires: rubygem(ruby-net-ldap) %endif # to ensure the service is actually started # and is accessible in the init script Requires: curl BuildRequires: rubygem(sass) BuildRequires: rubygem(compass) >= 0.11.5 BuildRequires: rubygem(compass-960-plugin) >= 0.10.4 BuildArch: noarch %description The Aeolus Conductor, a web UI for managing cloud instances. %package daemons Summary: Aeolus Conductor daemons Group: Applications/Internet License: ASL 2.0 Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: httpd >= 2.0 Requires: rubygem(thin) >= 1.2.5 Requires(post): chkconfig Requires(preun): chkconfig Requires(preun): initscripts Requires(post): systemd-units Requires(preun): systemd-units Requires(postun): systemd-units BuildRequires: systemd-units %description daemons The configuration and daemons necessary to run and proxy the Aeolus Conductor. %package doc Summary: Aeolus Conductor documentation Group: Documentation Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description doc Documentation for the Aeolus Conductor. %package devel Summary: Aeolus Conductor development and testing files Group: Applications/Internet Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} Requires: rubygem(cucumber) Requires: rubygem(timecop) Requires: rubygem(cucumber-rails) Requires: rubygem(rspec-rails) >= 2.6.1 Requires: rubygem(capybara) >= 1.0.0 Requires: rubygem(database_cleaner) >= 0.5.0 Requires: rubygem(factory_girl) Requires: rubygem(vcr) Requires: rubygem(factory_girl_rails) Requires: rubygem(webmock) Requires: rubygem(launchy) Requires: rubygem(minitest) %description devel Tests and other development tools for the Aeolus Conductor. %package -n aeolus-all Summary: A meta-package to pull in all components for Aeolus Group: Applications/Internet Requires: aeolus-conductor-daemons = %{version}-%{release} Requires: aeolus-conductor-doc = %{version}-%{release} Requires: iwhd Requires: aeolus-configure Requires: imagefactory Requires: imagefactory-jeosconf-ec2-fedora Requires: imagefactory-jeosconf-ec2-rhel Requires: rubygem(aeolus-image) Requires: rubygem(aeolus-cli) Requires: mongodb-server Requires: mod_ssl Requires: deltacloud-core Requires: deltacloud-core-ec2 Requires: deltacloud-core-rhevm Requires: deltacloud-core-vsphere Requires: ntp Requires: rsyslog-relp %description -n aeolus-all This is the aeolus meta-package. If you want to install aeolus and all of its dependencies on a single machine, you should install this package and then run aeolus-configure to configure everything. %prep %setup -q %build %pre getent group aeolus >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/groupadd -g 180 -r aeolus 2>/dev/null || : getent passwd aeolus >/dev/null || \ /usr/sbin/useradd -u 180 -g aeolus -c "aeolus" \ -s /sbin/nologin -r -d /usr/share/aeolus-conductor aeolus 2> /dev/null || : %install %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{app_root} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{doc_root} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_initrddir} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/systemd/system %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/run/%{name} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}/%{_bindir} # now copy over the rails source files. This is a bit verbose, but only # takes in the stuff we need (and no backup files, etc) # we use these special constructs to find only the files we care about. # the name of the variable has to be the file extension you are looking for. # the contents of the variable are the directories in which files with this # extension may exist. For instance cgi="public" means that src/public/*.cgi # will be copied from the source into the RPM. builder="app/views/errors" css="public/stylesheets public/stylesheets/jquery.ui-1.8.1" feature="features" gif="public/images \ public/stylesheets/images \ vendor/converge-ui/images" haml="app/views/hardware_profiles app/views/realm_mappings \ app/views/users app/views/provider_accounts \ app/views/roles app/views/providers app/views/settings \ app/views/realms app/views/pool_families app/views/layouts\ app/views/quotas app/views/permissions \ app/views/deployments app/views/pools \ app/views/instances app/views/user_sessions \ app/views/deployables app/views/catalogs \ app/views/provider_types app/views/api/images \ app/views/config_servers app/views/provider_realms \ app/views/logs \ app/views/api/hooks \ app/views/api \ app/views/images \ app/views/api/builds app/views/api/provider_images \ app/views/api/target_images app/views/api/entrypoint \ app/views/api/environments \ vendor/converge-ui/rails/layouts" mustache="app/views/instances app/views/pools app/views/deployments \ app/views/deployables app/views/images" html="public" ico="public" jpg="public/images \ public/stylesheets/images \ vendor/converge-ui/images" js="public/javascripts \ public/javascripts/jquery.ui-1.8.1 \ public/javascripts/jquery.ui-1.8.1/ui/minified \ public/javascripts/lib \ public/javascripts/backbone" json="spec/fixtures" key="features/upload_files" opts="spec" png="public/images \ public/images/icons \ public/stylesheets/images \ public/stylesheets/jquery.ui-1.8.1/images \ vendor/converge-ui/images \ vendor/converge-ui/images/icons" rake="lib/tasks" rb="app/models app/controllers app/controllers/api app/helpers app/services app/util \ config config/initializers config/environments db db/migrate \ features/support features/step_definitions lib spec spec/controllers \ spec/factories spec/helpers spec/models spec/services spec/controllers/api \ spec/aeolus/event spec/aeolus/ext lib/aeolus lib/aeolus/event lib/aeolus/ext \ vendor/converge-ui/rails/helpers" rhtml="app/views/layouts" svg="public/images public/images/icons public/fonts vendor/converge-ui/fonts" ttf="public/fonts vendor/converge-ui/fonts" eot="public/fonts vendor/converge-ui/fonts" woff="public/fonts vendor/converge-ui/fonts" txt="public" yml="config config/locales config/locales/defaults config/locales/overrides config/locales/role_definitions config/locales/classnames \ config/locales/overrides/role_definitions" xml="app/util" for filetype in builder css eot feature gif haml mustache html ico jpg js json key opts png \ rake rb rhtml scss svg ttf txt woff yml xml; do dirs=${!filetype} for dir in $dirs; do %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{app_root}/$dir for i in $(echo src/$dir/*.$filetype); do test -e "$i" && %{__cp} "$i" %{buildroot}%{app_root}/$dir done done done %{__rm} %{buildroot}%{app_root}/config/initializers/secret_token.rb # precompile stylesheets %{__mkdir} %{buildroot}%{app_root}/public/stylesheets/compiled compass compile --sass-dir ./src/app/stylesheets --css-dir %{buildroot}%{app_root}/public/stylesheets/compiled # misc files %{__cp} src/Rakefile %{buildroot}%{app_root} %{__cp} src/config.ru %{buildroot}%{app_root} %{__cp} src/Gemfile.in %{buildroot}%{app_root} %{__cp} src/spec/fixtures/Gemfile.in %{buildroot}%{app_root}/spec/fixtures %{__cp} src/lib/aeolus/debug/aeolus-debug %{buildroot}%{_bindir} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{app_root}/config %{__cp} src/config/database.pg %{buildroot}%{app_root}/config %{__cp} src/config/database.mysql %{buildroot}%{app_root}/config %{__cp} src/config/database.sqlite %{buildroot}%{app_root}/config # here we copy the postgres configuration to be the default. While this is # something of a policy we are encoding in the RPM, it is nice to give the user # sane defaults. The user can still override this with their own configuration %{__cp} src/config/database.pg %{buildroot}%{app_root}/config/database.yml %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{app_root}/dbomatic %{__cp} src/dbomatic/dbomatic %{buildroot}%{app_root}/dbomatic # move documentation to the correct place %{__cp} src/doc/* %{buildroot}/%{doc_root} # copy over init scripts and various config %{__cp} conf/aeolus-conductor %{buildroot}%{_initrddir} %{__cp} conf/conductor-dbomatic %{buildroot}%{_initrddir} %{__cp} conf/conductor-delayed_job.systemd %{buildroot}%{_unitdir}/conductor-delayed_job.service %{__cp} conf/aeolus-conductor-httpd.conf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d/aeolus-conductor.conf %{__cp} conf/aeolus-conductor.logrotate %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/aeolus-conductor %{__cp} conf/aeolus-conductor.sysconf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/aeolus-conductor %{__cp} conf/conductor-rails.sysconf %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/conductor-rails %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/../lib/tmpfiles.d %{__cp} conf/aeolus-tmpfiles.conf %{buildroot}%{_libdir}/../lib/tmpfiles.d/aeolus.conf %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{app_root}/config/image_descriptor_xmls # Creating these files now to make sure the logfiles will be owned # by aeolus:aeolus. This is a temporary workaround while we've still # got root-owned daemon processes. Once we resolve that issue # these files will no longer be added explicitly here. touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/thin.log touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/rails.log touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}/dbomatic.log %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{app_root}/log # delayed_job version 2.1.4 forces the log to be in this location # we should be able to change this to /var/log/aeolus-conductor/delayed_job.log # with version 3.0 touch %{buildroot}%{app_root}/log/delayed_job.log # copy script files over %{__cp} -r src/script %{buildroot}%{app_root} %{__mkdir} -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %post # symlink the configuration bits from /usr/share/aeolus-conductor/config # into /etc/aeolus-conductor. Note that we unceremoniously use -f here; # if the user had broken the symlinks and put data in here, it would have been # completely ignored *anyway* # Generate OAuth configuration: pushd %{app_root} 2>&1 > /dev/null export RAILS_ENV=production; rake dc:oauth_keys 2>&1 > /dev/null popd 2>&1 > /dev/null %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/config/environments/development.rb %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/config/environments/production.rb %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/config/environments/test.rb %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/config/database.yml %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/config/settings.yml %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/config/oauth.json %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} #create converge-ui symlinks %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/vendor/converge-ui/rails/layouts %{app_root}/app/views/layouts/converge-ui %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/vendor/converge-ui/fonts %{app_root}/public/fonts/converge-ui %{__ln_s} -f %{app_root}/vendor/converge-ui/rails/helpers/layout_helper.rb %{app_root}/app/helpers/layout_helper.rb %postun # kind of a weird construct. There are two cases where postun gets called; # during the removal of a package and during the cleanup after an upgrade. # During removal, we want to remove the symlinks; during upgrade we do not. # Therefore, we check to see if app_root/app is still there; if it is, # then we assume it is an upgrade and do nothing, otherwise we assume it is # a removal and delete the symlinks if [ ! -d %{app_root}/app ]; then rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/development.rb rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/production.rb rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/test.rb rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/database.yml rm -f %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/settings.yml fi %post daemons if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then # Initial installation /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 fi # Register the services /sbin/chkconfig --add aeolus-conductor /sbin/chkconfig --add conductor-dbomatic %preun daemons if [ $1 = 0 ]; then # Package removal, not upgrade /bin/systemctl --no-reload disable conductor-delayed_job.service > /dev/null 2>&1 /bin/systemctl stop conductor-delayed_job.service > /dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/service aeolus-conductor stop > /dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/chkconfig --del aeolus-conductor /sbin/service conductor-dbomatic stop > /dev/null 2>&1 /sbin/chkconfig --del conductor-dbomatic fi %postun daemons /bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then # Package upgrade, not uninstall /bin/systemctl try-restart conductor-delayed_job.service >/dev/null 2>&1 fi %files %dir %{app_root} %{app_root}/app %defattr(640,root,aeolus,750) %dir %{app_root}/config %{app_root}/config/environments %{app_root}/config/initializers %{app_root}/config/locales %{app_root}/config/*.rb %{app_root}/config/database.mysql %{app_root}/config/database.pg %{app_root}/config/database.sqlite %config %{app_root}/config/*.yml %defattr(-,root,root,-) %{app_root}/config.ru %{app_root}/db %{app_root}/dbomatic %{app_root}/lib %{_bindir}/aeolus-debug %{app_root}/log %{app_root}/public %{app_root}/Rakefile %{app_root}/Gemfile.in %{app_root}/spec/fixtures/Gemfile.in %dir %{app_root}/vendor %{app_root}/vendor/converge-ui %config %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} %doc AUTHORS COPYING %{app_root}/script/upgrade %files daemons %{_initrddir}/aeolus-conductor %{_initrddir}/conductor-dbomatic %{_unitdir}/conductor-delayed_job.service %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name} %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/aeolus-conductor %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/conductor-rails %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/httpd/conf.d/%{name}.conf %attr(-, aeolus, aeolus) %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name} %attr(-, aeolus, aeolus) %{_localstatedir}/run/%{name} %attr(-, aeolus, aeolus) %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name} %attr(-, aeolus, aeolus) %{app_root}/log/delayed_job.log %doc AUTHORS COPYING %{_libdir}/../lib/tmpfiles.d/aeolus.conf %{app_root}/script/delayed_job %files doc %{doc_root} %doc AUTHORS COPYING %files devel %{app_root}/features %{app_root}/script %{app_root}/spec %files -n aeolus-all %changelog * Wed Feb 13 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.10.6-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 26 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.10.6-1 - 4259424 838726 (2) - restrict what deployments can be stopped/removed - 91dc667 838726 (1) - mark 'new' instances as create_failed if deployment launch fails - e26305b BZ 833767 Fixed css in deployment#launch_time_params view - 5470012 BZ 831687 Fixed empty flash warning message on deployments#launch_time_params - 4bd8231 BZ 831687 Flash warning message fixed when it's empty - 2069a25 fixed bug in session_entites migration that was hit when there was invalid db data - 2ea37f1 Revert "838726 (1) - mark 'new' instances as create_failed if deployment launch fails" - 2b76d1d 838726 (1) - mark 'new' instances as create_failed if deployment launch fails * Fri Jun 29 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.10.5-1 - cff2a4e https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=834632 - 21bb090 BZ835151 configure errors after upgrade * Wed Jun 27 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.10.4-1 - 3bb7de0 Fix filter_table for Ruby 1.9 * Tue Jun 26 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.10.3-1 - 91a1e06 BZ831577 - Fixed regression introduced by 796528 * Fri Jun 15 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.10.2-1 - a552589 Set aeolus user home directory to /usr/share/aeolus-conductor - 47f5639 Fix the filter view toggle after converge-ui layout changes * Wed Jun 13 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.10.1-2 - 5c150ad Create homedir for aeolus user * Thu Jun 07 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.10.1-1 - 81f10a6 Refactor SessionEntity model to work properly with API - 1945d37 Fixed deployment rollback - 187756e Fix the new Provider Account form error * Wed Jun 06 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.10.0-1 - 274fb0b rm3343: credential: make attributes accessible/protected - a66fd19 RM 3246: fix smaller issues in instance model - b3dc87c RM3244: fix minor issues - 04450b5 sanitize the use of details_tab param - f1cbeea Add BuildRequires for rubygem-compass and rubygem-compass-960-plugin - b388935 rpmbuild changes: added converge-ui files, compass Require dependency, converge-ui symlinks creation and scss compilation using compass into spec file - 2836e75 Removed old favicon and added new into public/images to be compatible with converge-ui layout - 9f019b6 Removed Sass::Plugin scss compilation from development enviromnent config because Compass watcher takes care of scss compilation - 1cc41e8 Moved compass config file to proper place, removed unnecessary compass.scss file - dfdfb0d Finishing touches in converge-ui integration - 86c6978 Added symlink for fonts, removed fonts conductor stylesheet, removed conductor fonts folder content - 36a7d9d updated converge-ui to latest version - d49ce9f converge-ui meeting updates - 7500a18 Adding compass gem dependancy and symbolic link for converge-ui template. - bd736c7 Unified UI (converge-ui) changes to header, footer using the converge-ui git submodule. - 5674223 Revert "Revert "Merge branch 'gelato'"" - e3cd48d RM3311 fix for date range to be inclusive of times - 3a4be6f RM3311 added date select, ordering options, and csv export to log history - bf0595d Redmine #3345: Initial user groups implementation - 5b34b65 BZ 827562 - Upgrade from CloudForms 1.0 to CloudForms 1.0.1 requires additional data definition not provided by rails migration - 537b86f Moving the service parameter type attr off the parameter tag onto the value tag because the type only applys when we collect a value. - e8f5b1e If an assambly doesn't define any configserver params, config for this assembly is not sent to configserver. - 65c7767 Bug 807745 add 'use provider accounts' to global image admin role - c8e2f50 bug 808031: allow Global Provider user to view Provider Accounts - 18ae85c Fix files declaration for daemons subpkg - 05a2632 Fix images#show when there's no existing build - 3a146ec BZ815784 added Pool Family Quota Used column to Pool Families table - 8ebf737 Fix spec - 049958c Unifiy the way we store error messages for model attributes - 333a884 BZ808393: Fix invalid name error message - 759dbbe BZ808338: fix ajax caching for IE - dec27f2 BZ 806846 Disabled submit_tag in images#new views when no provider are enabled - 144afb2 BZ 806846 ImageController: removed duplicate code, fixed flash displaying - bdc6f3e Fix mustache template handler to work with Rails 3.1 and above - 799bd3a RM #3269: Figure out what is wrong with deps (ruby/bundler mode) - 4b03851 BZ#801971 - Scalability: Catalog Images tab, /conductor/pools/1?details_tab=images&only_tab=true, is slow - ccfd67e Styling for pool catalog images tab - bf85e5f BZ815357: api: tests for template xml in CDATA - b3c4ecd BZ815357: api: handle template xml in CDATA in images controller - 290dde4 BZ804543: template relaxng: make rootpw mandatory - fe8d4ed Corrected removed obsolette load_tab_captions_and_details_tab method from pool_families controller, replaced provider_account header with helper method - 445665b Revert "removed obsolette load_tab_captions_and_details_tab method from pool_families controller, replaced provider_account header with helper method" - 5c54d1d BZ810919 mustach-ify pretty-view pool header so that instance/deployment counts are automatically updated - f454171 removed obsolette load_tab_captions_and_details_tab method from pool_families controller, replaced provider_account header with helper method - b602b93 pool_families partials cleanup - 4cfd406 Fixed typo - renamed 'stopable' to 'stoppable' - eb0dc37 3322 - Added deployment's history tab - 1df022a Added basic events for deployment state changes - f96aa8f 3321 - Added partial launch support - 7bfb7e2 3320 - Added deployment rollback - 1a46ebb BZ806001 - aeolus-configure will always create an admin user, need to key of a uuid not name - dbdc389 Fix line limit violations in images_controller for mustache patchset - 2f3471e Fix line limit violations in some views for mustache patchset - dbb9bcf Fix line limit violations in deployables_controller for mustache patchset - e374dd1 Delete jquery-template js lib - 1c2932b Mustachifying images/show - 0138aae Mustachifying pools/_deployments - aaf99e9 Mustachifying deployables/show - 8c8be91 Redmine #3319: Set up conductor to use new Bundler extension point. - 57bdcf7 Redmine #3318: Add small extension library to bundler to load system gems - 1b77242 Add BuildRequires: systemd-units for daemons subpackage - da4472b Remove jquery-svg entries from rpm spec - 89dcc58 Delete jquery-svg - f7c7dfa application.js: Removed unused code - 42af2a1 Removed unused JS libraries - yetii, trimpath-template - 1332d3d RM 3144 specify default order for associated events - 65a472e RM 3144 don't set unscoped as default, as this messes up uptime calculations - 40100c2 Fix migration after paranoid gem changed the default scope - 0c8f597 RM 3144 added soft_delete tests - 1f1ac5b RM 3144 updated models to include acts_as_paranoid - 01be2df RM 3144 add deleted_at column for soft delete - 3486b97 RM 3144 added paranoia gem - 5905bb8 adding service dependancy support for audrey - a1fde11 Temporary Bugfix for adding providers. - 708a82d added app/views/logs - c406ca3 Revert "Merge branch 'gelato'" - da432dd Removed useless @deployment_properties variable - 65d9d8d Cleanup of deployments create action - e6fcb93 Merge branch 'gelato' - e142db5 RM 3145 touched up code to obey 80-character line limit - 570795c RM 3145 updates reflecting new state attribute for deployments - c64fe05 RM 3145 added css section for hover links - 7f6c191 RM 3145 added cucumber tests - e119c68 RM 3145 added logs section - 3b50091 RM 3145 added logs page - cc0e066 RM 3145 added logs controller - 54e749d RM 3145 added logs route - 8d778df Fix typo in UpdateStateForExistingDeployments migration - 8e7559c Redmine3153 partials cleanup and fixes part1 - e3616e8 BZ 809722 - missing template for json response - 482437a performance fixes for Redmine feature #3149 - f5010a6 Redmine #3158: Use denormalized model for permission checks - 30473d7 redmine task #3157: UI to show inherited permissions - f6b80e3 permissions denormalization: redmine #3155 and #3156 - 0cd0270 RM 3181 - delayed_job support - revised - 03b6b45 Redmine #3233: Consolidate duplicated steps - 4a49749 Redmine #3211: Switch step defs for login to use DMA - 273833b Fixed setting of deployment state for existing deployments - 73ccace bump version to 0.10.0 - 4594b35 import converge-ui stylesheet as partial to layout.scss - 1e601d3 removed converge-ui files from lib - e40e4eb changed simlinks, layout_helper is now unmodified, disabled most of the converge-ui stylesheets for now, reverted to conductor layout to prepare for incremental converge - be1ebc7 added converge-ui repo as git submodule co vendor/converge-ui - 622f629 Basic implementation of converge-ui code - 003582a Copies converge-ui into lib/ * Thu May 03 2012 Martyn Taylor - 0.9.0-1 - Updated compilation of new sass files * Mon Jan 09 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.8.0-2 - 18ba534 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:aeolusproject/conductor - 0a37767 API - Added template checking when creating an image - 33d63a3 -change method of ensuring poolIds are unique, removed hard tab - 4aa3fce updated deployment index refresh to categorize deployments by pool - a2885b4 added pool ID to div identifier - 0a020e7 Support for multiple accounts per provider. - 6fa3ce3 Backbone will always use preset_filter value if present - 5e068fe Bump release - a18865d Update changelog entries - 9c027cd Fix autoupdate with table filters - 15c740b Adding 'No catalog' label when no catalog available for the deployable when creating image - 0c98f1b Use a lambda to delay the evaluation of Provider in conjunction with scope - d2a37e2 Reference lib/image by full path - 342c552 Display a specific error message for image import with a blank ID - a7ae8ec Add missing style to image import form - 90826d7 Rename Catalog Entries to Deployables in the UI - 55b28c5 update pools count with applying filters in pools table (bz770620) - 5adcc24 Autoupdating pretty view fixed on Pools#index for multiline array of deployments - 61934bc Fixing new deployable form - fdd00ab Fixing failing rspec tests - dd1d2db Localise instance count indicator in pretty view - eea7d11 Fix the uptime format - a627c74 BZ#755933 Last login,Last login IP fields empty. - 46ac73e Added architecture check - 7b24128 Removed duplicit vcr definition for aeolus-image - df5f048 BZ 769635, added scope enabled to Provider and ProviderAccount - 1853d01 Error displayed after provider destroy fails - 810714c Redirect to catalog detail after catalog entry is created succesfully - be4735d Fixing the date format in Deployment's json representation - 188c848 Table striping fixed for autoupdating on the table view of pools#index - fc0c339 Fixing autoupdating issues - d23ed06 Fixed error rendering for AJAX requests - 4c43e02 Fixing the permission partial - f5d8de1 Error message fixed for creating new deployable without providing url for the xml - d7d7a29 Deployable XML parsing switched to strict mode - fe236fc BZ#766163 Add reboot_multiple to grid view of instances,controller method and localization. - 0bae59e fix user dropdown in masthead * Wed Jan 04 2012 Steve Linabery - 0.8.0-1 - d98cb57 Verify image exists before importing it from provider - 314c90e Allow creating deployables from imported images - b1e8993 Add realm selection to Deployment Overview - b94664f Added support to DeployablesController to handle deployables without catalog - 8d446e2 Fixing return_path in permissions#set_permission_object - 4297b08 Change version of aeolus-image gem to 0.3.0 - 43440b1 Fixing jQuery template on deployments#show - 9762232 Fixing autoupdate on deployments#show - f1e6529 Prevent launching invalid deployments - 77b349b Removed edit pool family button from pool families table (bz768154) - a362758 Fix catalog dropdown when no catalog exist, bz769279 - cb5bf9b BZ 768089: Add model and UI for provider account priority - e47d1a4 BZ 768089: spec test for provider account priority (revised) - a3164ca BZ 768089: Refactor provider account matching to facilitate stubbing (revised) - 93f464c Drop pretty/filter toggle from deployment details - c3b896d Rake task to insert ldap users. - 6512cb9 BZ 760901 - removed line touching unused lock file - 02dfa3f fix for bz #765901: fix pools_in_use calculation - 4f380bf new catalog entry from image, catalog select javascript - 5be3de8 error messages in flash hud - 3173e62 Replace description xml with name image import - 77014ab Add a View Template XML option to Image Details - 8668a57 BZ 767214 Removed the New Pool button from _section_header in pools controller - 879c6eb catalog entries checkbox in header to enable select all listed catalog entries, catalog entries new_from_image i18n fix - b062bc3 Fix message on launch from catalog - 53ccabe pool_family_id param added to new_pool_path - d5e79ff Deployable forms styling - ab67147 Image import uses lib/image.rb class - 0525111 Images#show properly detects ProviderAccount for imported image - f0dea6c Fix failing RSpec tests - a30691a images#show only shows the relevant provider for imported images - 74143b3 API import (used by aeolus-cli) requires Provider Account now. - c633f4c Image import is now linked to Provider Account, not just Provider - 203b032 Log any errors encountered during image import - 05f5067 Rescues a possible exception when creating a ProviderImage - 04254b9 Hides build and upload buttons for imported images - 72d9bf9 Image import uses new Image.import method - b4019c2 fix afterdestroy callback for instance - 003398f Fixed sort column - 93d196a Fix deployable xml link on the launch overview page - 415bddb Autoupdating deployments list on Pools#index - 17c333b Show pool enabled/disabled status in Environments - a211d72 added deployable name to create_from_image, BZ767109 - 725ad8f buildpush ui icons and styling - d59142d Fix the pool families tests - a20c7fd Add Images tab to the Pool Family details page - 57afb0c Add "New Image" button to the images list - 53548d1 Remove User Treatment from User form BZ767189 - 93d99a8 Fixed tests after removing warehouse models - cd330fb Fixed deployable link - c9c271a Removed warehouse models - bf22438 Removed some methods from warehouse models - 02d8dea Removed provider_images_for_image_list from image model - 245fa3e Fix for bz #765907: change permissions tab label from 'Users' to 'Role Assignments' - 057bf3b Fix missing translation on Import image button - 4438a1a BZ#753917 Added target to API Build Output - 926e1ac BZ#753917 Updated API to return Provider/Account on Push - 547e1a5 Fixing jQuery template on deployments#show - cf8cf19 Fixup for #761134 - 01e9383 Fixing recognize_path calls when the path contains prefix - c784c3a Require a template file on the upload page - cd06da9 Style Image Details' header buttons - e15298b Don't display 'Download key' if there is not instance key - 1b4af97 Fixup for bz761096 - 3ef5ea4 Quick Fix, destroy method is not called for ec2 and Mock instances, or if instance is in CREATE_FAILED state - 34db60c new administer section navigation icons - b196025 BUG-2751 - Delete instance on provider side when deleted in conductor - ea32f34 rootpw param in template XML changed is now required - 72fc9ac deployable details icons - 859c1c1 fix launch deployable test - 0978d61 deployable details Images part - cec00a2 fixed bug with updating deployable xml - c6dfc66 deployable details page styles, deployable details image section errors - f31b995 Use names correctly on template upload - 138d64d Input validation for new deployable from image - 243d454 Fixing deployment card on Pools#index - f11f6de Fix for bug #766038 - ef2c43d fix for BZ #761509: User quota and other stats - 4c20a16 Allow changing deployment name on the Overview page - c02a0c4 BZ761132 fix broken translations for template xml - 32517e0 Fix flash message in images_controller#edit_xml - 13f897e Disabling Add button if no available catalog exists - ec56568 Condition added to XML validation in Deployable - 4f813b4 Fixed deprecation warning in pool_families#edit - 87cd77e Remove "load definition from XML" option from launch new deployment page - a6ea1ef Replaced new_catalog_entry_path with new_deployable_path to work with new controller structure - acd1159 Fixed a wrong regex on grep - a37aaf5 Added rake task to verify the status of licenses in the project - b7b467f Fixed list of catalog entries on deployables show page - bc11e96 deployable detail styles and fixes through biuldpush ui - 2c9a31d pool families list fix - f23ac0c RM 2879 - Secondary method for creating provider accounts using a provider name instead of an id - b24e67f BZ#754956 Return appropriate error code when parent not found - 971aaf2 List of users added to permissions page - ad124c6 Clean up Permission-related flash messages - 972777f Add Build & Push to Deployable Details - 978a43a Deploaybles and catalog_entries cleanups - 03f7931 Redmine #2254: Always compile scss in dev enviroment. - 122e55a Change sql statement to use rails helpers. - 869c8a6 Fix this migration so it also works on sqlite. - 077a18a Moving from GPL to ASL - 3bd07b2 Add relp dependency to metapackage. - 79e6dc9 bump version in Makefile and reset release - 9fe1011 Add changelog and bump release on specfile for 0.7.0 RC * Thu Dec 1 2011 Steve Linabery - 0.7.0-1 - 4178a0a Adds functionality to delete deployment configurations from config server - cce4c7e Added pagination to events on instance detail page - bf3868b Clean up minor unneeded test output. - a9c520d Fixing aeolus-conductor.spec.in - 0e2b2d4 format_value is more cautious with calling .split - f35d2d7 Redmine #2515: Write and test actual logging behavior. - 9a4be2b Redmine #2514: Write and test transformation of api data into correct log format. - 3c1cc5c RM #2822: Add way to retrieve full list of attributes for validation. - 2723e13 Comments out EventSpec for now - d5f05a3 Rescue possibly-risky calls when creating a CDDR - fc2cafa Fixing message for user creation - 0167f7d Adding required fields indicator for user form - c5c1b98 remove repeating sql statements in rails.log - c239f6c Added build timestamp to image list view - 32f5ea0 Updated images controller to use TemplateXML - 1f447f4 Created TemplateXML model - d86537c Correct bad call left after rubygem refactor - af0ab18 Display the details for each image on the Deployable Details page - 81a2c60 Event.rb uses full path to lib/aeolus/event - 9df721a Fix for creating new Deployable page - ad13160 Allow Deployable XML files to contain in-line configurations - 42597dd Registering/deregistering multiple catalogs to deployment Renaming CatalogEntriesController to DeployablesController - 35d6fef catalogs dropdown in Create new catalog entry from template, new catalog_entry form styling - 79d5ab7 Buildpush layout - fcc950a obscured launch parameter if it is password - b0ed5b9 Update Image show UI - c44778d Return provider cleanup content via API - 2e3ead5 Updated Gemfile.lock for aeolus-image 0.2.0 - 7e068e9 Permissions page for deployables. - a5ff27c Fixes failing test introduced by previous commit. - 1aecfb4 Deployment flash error is no longer mashed together. - 11b82d9 extracted apply_filters and apply_preset_filters methods to common_filter_methods module - 01ab731 Cucumber tests for search and filters - dd41e62 Added filter method, updated filters and search through the application - ba22842 Added filters and search to tables through application - 9016b1f Fixes bugs and warnings exposed by tests - 4b78e5d Adds tests for Events - 60e6245 lib/aeolus/event code is included in RPM and called for Events - b86f1fd DBomatic does not write events; after-save hooks already handle this - bd26168 InstanceObserver includes :status_code, :change_hash parameters to Event - 3317495 Event model calls Event API after_create - de655cf Define start_time and end_time for Deployment - 8fc332f Remove secret_token.rb from conductor rpm - v2 - e36fa46 internationalize api error messages - ae2cdf6 Fix pagginate on launch_from_catalog site - a4b892b Image import GUI - cecbf26 Fixes pool family detail, pools tab. Adds generic table instead of pool_families one - 24fa151 BZ744713 - changed font styles for catalog images - 99eda06 BZ#755933 Last login, Last login IP fields empty - 5e1b27a Launch deployment from the Deployable Details page - 8c8ae24 Correct bad call in Api::TargetImagesController - 5d4d456 Updated API for new aeolus-image-rubygem changes - 7da907f added reraising of BuildNotFound exception - d2b1de1 changed return text to xml, add targets to import params - f0d2b77 added reraising of ProviderImageNotFound expection - 838179e API::ProviderImages spec, mock in #create + minor fixes - ecacfa4 API::Images spec, minor xml fixes - e3e193b API::Builds spec, minor return expectations fixes - 2707489 API::TargetImages spec, #destroy - b983da4 API::ProviderImages spec, #create #destroy - 9f2c3e8 API::ImagesController spec, #create #destroy - 9ee78b8 API::BuildsController spec #create #destroy - 7b904f4 Display the backend provider image ID when deleted - 6c7802e UI - create catalog entry from an image - 2b43395 Removed unused rescue block when creating a template - 56a2d9f Fix broken the Catalog Entries Cucumber feature - eeac165 Add the skeleton for the Deployable Details page - 131887d Add the name of belonging provider in provder_account#new/edit form - 304c42b Change dropdown of catalogs to the name of belonging catalog in catalog_entry#new/edit form - 6decf95 spec and cucumber changes for catalog_entry/deployable refactoring - 1671422 view and controller changes for catalog_entry/deployable refactoring - ff83dda Refactored catalog_entry model into catalog_entry and deployable models. - 77dce31 Implementing pretty view for instances - 4823c2b Changed aeolus user to 180:180 per bz 754274 - 0301070 dbomatic only writes instance events if they have changed - 279331f Added options for creating catalog entry via upload XML or url to XML - 0e7a2f9 Added tabs to catalog_entries#new form - d88865d Fix tests after removing URL of catalog entry from launch form - 4705924 Remove URL of catalog entry from launch UI - bd41e3a Fixed specs and cukes after the change in catalog entries. - 28e8fb8 Changes for catalog entry new/edit form. - 39632a8 Added migration, that deletes URL attribute from catalog_entries and adds 2 column(xml, and xml_filename) - 8e6f8dc Save template in warehouse - d207889 Improved tests performance - 65c7a75 Comments failing Image test - 63903e6 Bump version number following imminent release of 0.6.0 from the 0.6.x branch - 3a8a4d3 Updates ProviderType to use Rails 3 syntax - f2f751b Add screens for template import - 6f0b310 Fix spec so rpm builds. - 690eb08 Task #2710 reboot of instance - 62d2b4d Add initial 2 events to be sent. - a6c4081 Initial Event API implementation. - 57c4066 Added image detail page - 78b505b Added images index view - 6534ce1 Added empty images controller * Tue Oct 04 2011 Maros Zatko - 0.4.0-1 - added controllers/api + views * Thu Jul 21 2011 Mo Morsi - 0.3.0-2 - update Source0 checkout instructions * Wed Jul 20 2011 Mo Morsi - 0.3.0-1 - new upstream release - changes to conform to fedora guidelines * Tue Apr 05 2011 Chris Lalancette - 0.0.3-2 - Large spec file cleanup - Split out development files into a -devel package - Remove external dependencies and add to the aeolus-all package * Thu Jan 20 2011 Chris Lalancette - 0.0.3-1 - Rename from deltacloud-aggregator to aeolus-conductor * Mon Sep 27 2010 Chris Lalancette - 0.0.2-3 - Added new rubygem-parseconfig dependency - Turn on services during install with chkconfig * Sat Mar 6 2010 Ian Main - 0.0.2-2 - removed taskomatic from packaging. * Wed Feb 18 2010 Mohammed Morsi - 0.0.2-1 - renamed portal to aggregator - updated / cleaned up package * Fri Sep 1 2009 - 0.0.1-1 - Initial build.