#!/usr/bin/bash # This file is sourced by /usr/bin/accumulo before launching java. It will use # the $ACCUMULO_OPTS environment variable created here to add options to the # java command line. This file can be overridden per-user by creating a # $HOME/.accumulorc to be sourced after this file. # The $1 parameter is passed with the first argument provided to # /usr/bin/accumulo, which is usually the name of the accumulo service or # function to run. # Append some common arguments # # Note: app isn't used for anything, but makes it easier to locate services # quickly with ps/top/etc output ACCUMULO_OPTS=("-Dapp=$1" '-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC' '-XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=75' '-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true' '-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow' '-Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl' '-XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p') # Append some service-specific arguments case "$1" in gc) ACCUMULO_OPTS=("${ACCUMULO_OPTS[@]}" '-Xmx256m' '-Xms256m') ;; master) ACCUMULO_OPTS=("${ACCUMULO_OPTS[@]}" '-Xmx1g' '-Xms1g') ;; monitor) ACCUMULO_OPTS=("${ACCUMULO_OPTS[@]}" '-Xmx1g' '-Xms256m') ;; tserver) ACCUMULO_OPTS=("${ACCUMULO_OPTS[@]}" '-Xmx1g' '-Xms1g' '-XX:NewSize=500m' '-XX:MaxNewSize=500m') ;; *) ACCUMULO_OPTS=("${ACCUMULO_OPTS[@]}" '-Xmx1g' '-Xms256m') ;; esac # Set this because it's read by the VFS classloader export ACCUMULO_HOME=/etc/accumulo # Set these because they could be referenced by logger configuration export ACCUMULO_CONF_DIR=/etc/accumulo export ACCUMULO_LOG_DIR=/var/log/accumulo # See HADOOP-7154 and ACCUMULO-847 export MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=1