Blame README.fedora

Chris Weyl 30302e5
Some simple instructions on getting this going under Fedora Core.
Chris Weyl 30302e5
Chris Weyl 30302e5
It's important to note that the invocation of this program needs to be done
Chris Weyl 30302e5
at least once, at boot, to install the correct values in the video BIOS's RAM
Chris Weyl 30302e5
copy.  Executing 915resolution requires root privs.
Chris Weyl 30302e5
Chris Weyl 30302e5
Note that the intel xorg drivers are supposed to deal with displaying to
Chris Weyl 30302e5
non-bios modes "real soon now"; hence this setup technique.
Chris Weyl 30302e5
Chris Weyl ef09317
Note also the prior method used has changed (but should still work), thanks to
Chris Weyl ef09317
an actual initscript framework :)
Chris Weyl ef09317
Chris Weyl 30302e5
1.  Read README.txt, in this directory...  Figure out the proper invocation of
Chris Weyl 30302e5
    the binary for your hardware.
Chris Weyl ef09317
2.  Edit /etc/sysconfig/915resolution.  Modify "RESOLUTION" to be the proper
Chris Weyl ef09317
    modestring to pass 915resolution for your hardware.
Chris Weyl ef09317
3.  Enjoy widescreen :)
Chris Weyl 30302e5