%global with_sysfs 1 %global with_opcua 1 Name: 4diac-forte Version: 1.9.0 Release: 2.1%{?dist} Summary: IEC 61499 runtime environment License: EPL URL: http://eclipse.org/4diac Source0: https://git.eclipse.org/c/4diac/org.eclipse.4diac.forte.git/snapshot/org.eclipse.4diac.forte-%{version}.tar.gz %{?systemd_requires} BuildRequires: cmake, gcc-c++ BuildRequires: systemd %if 0%{?with_opcua} BuildRequires: open62541-devel >= 0.2 %endif %if 0%{?with_lua} BuildRequires: lua-devel >= 5.1 %endif %if 0%{?with_luajit} BuildRequires: luajit-devel >= 2.1.0 %endif %description The 4DIAC runtime environment (4DIAC-RTE, FORTE) is a small portable implementation of an IEC 61499 runtime environment targeting small embedded control devices (16/32 Bit), implemented in C++. It supports online-reconfiguration of its applications and the real-time capable execution of all function block types provided by the IEC 61499 standard. %prep %setup -q -n org.eclipse.4diac.forte-%{version} %build mkdir -p bin/posix cd bin/posix %cmake -DFORTE_ARCHITECTURE=Posix \ -DFORTE_COM_ETH=ON \ -DFORTE_COM_FBDK=ON \ -DFORTE_COM_LOCAL=ON \ %{?with_opcua: -DFORTE_COM_OPC_UA=ON -DFORTE_COM_OPC_UA_INCLUDE_DIR=%{_includedir}/open62541 -DFORTE_COM_OPC_UA_LIB_DIR=%{_libdir}} \ -DFORTE_MODULE_CONVERT=ON \ -DFORTE_MODULE_IEC61131=ON \ %{?with_sysfs: -DFORTE_MODULE_SysFs=ON } \ -DFORTE_MODULE_UTILS=ON \ %{?with_lua: -DFORTE_USE_LUATYPES=Lua } \ %{?with_luajit: -DFORTE_USE_LUATYPES=LuaJIT } \ -DFORTE_TESTS=OFF \ ../.. make %{?_smp_mflags} %install mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} install -p systemd/4diac-forte.service %{buildroot}%{_unitdir} mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig install -p systemd/4diac-forte-sysconfig %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/4diac-forte cd bin/posix %make_install %post %systemd_post 4diac-forte.service %preun %systemd_preun 4diac-forte.service %postun %systemd_postun_with_restart 4diac-forte.service %files %license epl-v10.html %{_bindir}/forte %{_unitdir}/4diac-forte.service %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/4diac-forte %changelog * Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 1.9.0-2.1 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Apr 19 2018 Jens Reimann - 1.9.0-1.1 - Update to the final release 1.9.0 - Enable Lua integration - Enable OPC UA integration * Mon Feb 05 2018 Jens Reimann - 1.9.0.M3-0.1 - Initial version of the package