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shared-userspace module

Package DB (owner) | F26 modulemd (source) | PDC (result)

This modules contains some "components" that cannot be physically separated from each other or the distro at this point. This module provides common build- and runtime dependencies that are shared between the other modules. As this is work in progress, other modules that depend on this module might not work anymore in the next iteration.

common-build-dependencies and shared-userspace modules have some overlap as some packages that are required for builds also have a runtime component. Other packages are required only for a couple of other packages where it might be easier to just ship them together in a different module. These choices makes deciding where to put a certain package a little difficult.

Examples to explain how to decide weather a package belongs into c-b-d, s-u or none of them:


It is used by many packages during builds, but it also has libtool-ltdl as a library that many packages get linked with. That's the main reason for me to put libtool into the shared-userspace module.


It is used by many packages during a build, no part of it is needed afterwards. It needs to be in common-build-dependencies.


It is a runtime requirement by only two packages:

> dnf repoquery -q --releasever 26 --whatrequires python-pymongo

mongodb-test-0:3.4.3-1.fc26.x86_64 python2-oslo-cache-tests-0:1.14.0-3.fc26.noarch

It is required by a couple of packages as a build requirement:

> dnf repoquery -q --enablerepo fedora-source --releasever 26 --arch src --whatrequires python-pymongo

mongodb-0:3.4.3-1.fc26.src python-kombu-1:4.0.2-4.fc26.src python-mongoengine-0:0.11.0-2.fc26.src python-oslo-cache-0:1.14.0-3.fc26.src python-pysaml2-0:3.0.2-6.fc26.src

This belongs into the mongodb module, but that decision might be revisited when more packages depend on python-pymongo

Current state

State Description
✓ YES Build passes in the infra (all build deps are ok)
✗ NO Installs on the Base Runtime (all runtime deps are ok)
✓ NO No bootstrap - uses only proper modules
✗ NO General tests are in dist-git
✗ NO General tests pass
? Meets the Fedora Module Packaging Guidelines
✓ YES yes!
✗ NO no!
