document: modulemd version: 1 data: summary: 'Flatpak Runtime' description: >- This module defines a runtimes for Flatpaks. The 'sdk' profile defines the corresponding SDKs that applications can be built against with flatpak-builder. license: module: [ MIT ] dependencies: buildrequires: platform: @STREAM@ requires: platform: @STREAM@ profiles: runtime: rpms: [] sdk: rpms: [] buildroot: rpms: [flatpak-rpm-macros, flatpak-runtime-config] srpm-buildroot: rpms: [flatpak-rpm-macros, flatpak-runtime-config] api: rpms: - flatpak-rpm-macros - flatpak-runtime-config components: rpms: flatpak-rpm-macros: rationale: Set up build root for flatpak RPMS ref: @RPM_BRANCH@ flatpak-runtime-config: rationale: Runtime configuration files ref: @RPM_BRANCH@ xmd: # This is used when building applications against this module so that # the resulting Flatpak will embed a reference to the correct runtime flatpak: branch: @STREAM@ runtimes: # Map from profile name to pre-profile information - the # profile named 'runtime' is the default. runtime: id: @ID_PREFIX@.Platform sdk: @ID_PREFIX@.Sdk sdk: id: @ID_PREFIX@.Sdk runtime: @ID_PREFIX@.Platform