646539e Add application-reporting functionality

Authored and Committed by Owen W. Taylor 6 years ago
    Add application-reporting functionality
    Extend reporting functionality to generate reports about applications
    we might want to package as Flatpaks in Fedora - applications that
    are packaged in Fedora and have a desktop file, applications that
    are on flathub.org, applications that have been reviewed on
    odrs.gnome.org. For each application, we determine what extra packages
    are needed beyond those in the runtime (using a new
    fedmod flatpak-report). reports/applications.html shows extra packages
    by application, while reports/runtime-package-app.html and
    reports/extra-package-app.html reverse that and show which applications
    use each package.
    The new HTML reports use the jQuery DataTables plugins to build a UI
    from JSON files rather than static templating. No particular reason for
    this other than wanting the sorting and searching functionality of
file modified
+2 -1
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+17 -6
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+9 -1
reports/report.css report.css
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+145 -20
file added
runtime-template.html report-template.html
file renamed
+7 -1
tools/generate-runtime-report.py tools/generate-report.py
file renamed
+1 -1
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