document: modulemd version: 1 data: summary: The free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries description: >- Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard Library, in the hopes of establishing "existing practice" for extensions and providing reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. (Some of the libraries have already been included in the C++ 2011 standard and others have been proposed to the C++ Standards Committee for inclusion in future standards.) license: module: [MIT] content: - Boost - MIT - Python - LGPLv2+ - Public Domain - BSD references: community: documentation: tracker: dependencies: buildrequires: bootstrap: master requires: platform: master python2: master python3: master profiles: development: rpms: - boost-devel api: rpms: - boost - boost-atomic - boost-build - boost-chrono - boost-container - boost-date-time - boost-devel - boost-doc - boost-doctools - boost-examples - boost-filesystem - boost-graph - boost-iostreams - boost-jam - boost-locale - boost-log - boost-math - boost-numpy - boost-program-options - boost-python2 - boost-random - boost-regex - boost-serialization - boost-signals - boost-static - boost-system - boost-test - boost-thread - boost-timer - boost-type_erasure - boost-wave filter: rpms: - python2-numpy-f2py - python3-numpy-f2py - openblas-Rblas - openblas-devel - openblas-openmp - openblas-openmp64 - openblas-openmp64_ - openblas-serial64 - openblas-serial64_ - openblas-static - openblas-threads64 - openblas-threads64_ - openblas-Rblas-debuginfo - openblas-openmp-debuginfo - openblas-openmp64-debuginfo - openblas-openmp64_-debuginfo - openblas-serial64-debuginfo - openblas-serial64_-debuginfo - openblas-threads64-debuginfo - openblas-threads64_-debuginfo buildopts: rpms: macros: | # boost %_without_context 1 %_without_mpich 1 %_without_openmpi 1 %_without_python3 1 components: rpms: python-nose: rationale: A dependency of numpy ref: master buildorder: 1 openblas: rationale: A dependency of numpy ref: master buildorder: 1 numpy: rationale: A dependency of boost-numpy ref: master buildorder: 9 boost: rationale: The free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries ref: master buildorder: 10