Audacity 1.3.5-beta release : in "audacity-1_3_4-test" branch, albeit packaged together with 1.3.2-beta in the same pkg. TODO: See top of spec and evaluate whether this beta would be a candidate to upgrade to (at least for F10 devel and possibly F9/F8 updates-testing). We don't have Vamp in Fedora, but: Vamp::HostExt::PluginLoader: Unable to load library " $HOME/vamp:$HOME/.vamp:/usr/local/lib/vamp:/usr/lib/vamp ----- CVS snapshot from 2008-01-23 has had positive feedback, too, but could need more testing. ----- CVS snapshot from 2008-01-11 does not suffer from the many audio problems described below. ----- Changes in upstream cvs are said to improve ALSA/JACK support (2008-01-03) ----- Upstream sound like they might disable JACK support in the next release, because it "has never really been tested [...] anyway" and because of the PA v19 problems since 1.3.4-beta. A fix for the ALSA regressions since 1.3.3-beta is still uncertain, since the OSS support in PA v19 is considered a backup solution for any users which encounter problems. ----- Audacity 1.3.4-beta release : unchanged behaviour compared with previous comment. Fedora 7+8. Test package in devel branch "audacity-1_3_4-test" only ( cvs co -r audacity-1_3_4-test audacity ) Without JACK support, tagged: audacity-1_3_4-0_2_beta_fc9 ----- In a fresh account, Audacity's AudioIO ctor calls PortAudio's Pa_Initialize(), which in turn starts JACK's "jackd" although Audacity defaults to OSS in the audio preferences. This breaks audio completely. One can kill jackd, switch from OSS to ALSA in the preferences, but then gets the same symptoms as in 1.3.3-beta. ----- Audacity pre 1.3.4 beta (cvs 2007-11-08) contains copies of libmad and libtwolame, which would need to be stripped. Its ALSA support still seems to be broken heavily compared with 1.3.2-beta. ----- Audacity 1.3.3 beta is in branch "audacity-1_3_3-test" only ( cvs co -r audacity-1_3_3-test audacity ) as it doesn't work as good as 1.3.2 beta. The ALSA driver in PortAudio determines inappropriate sample rates.