Blame tests/roles/custom-test-fonts/tasks/main.yml

Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
- block:
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
  - name: language coverage
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
      LANG: "en_US.UTF-8"
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
    script: run-lang-coverage-test --lang "{{ item }}" {% if coverage.values is not defined or coverage[item].path_prefix is not defined %} --path {{ path_prefix }} {% else %} {{ '--path "' + (coverage[item].path_prefix | join('" --path "')) + '"' }} {% endif %} --artifactsdir "{{ remote_artifacts }}" {{ "" if coverage.values is not defined or coverage[item].name is not defined else "--name " + coverage[item].name }} {{ "" if coverage.values is not defined or coverage[item].exclude is not defined else '--exclude "' + (coverage[item].exclude | join('" --exclude "')) + '"'}} {{ "" if coverage.values is not defined or coverage[item].include is not defined else '--include "' + (coverage[item].include | join('" --include "')) + '"'}}
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
    - "{{ coverage if coverage.keys is not defined else coverage.keys()|list }}"
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
  - name: generic family assignment
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
      LANG: "en_US.UTF-8"
Akira TAGOH 09cad26
    when: families is defined
Akira TAGOH b0cebe8
    script: run-family-test --lang {{ item.lang }} --family '{{ }}' --alias {{ item.alias }} --artifactsdir {{ remote_artifacts }} --package {{ package if item.package is not defined else item.package }}
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
    - "{{ families }}"
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
  - name: Collect all of failures into one file
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
    shell: |
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
      grep -v PASS "{{ remote_artifacts }}"/FAIL_*.log > "{{ remote_artifacts }}"/FAIL-all.log || :
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
  - name: Check the results
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
    shell: |
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      log="{{ remote_artifacts }}/test.log"
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      if [ ! -f "$log" ]; then
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
          echo ERROR
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
          echo "Test results not found." 1>&2
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      elif grep ^ERROR "$log" 1>&2; then
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
          echo ERROR
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      elif grep ^FAIL "$log" 1>&2; then
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
          echo FAIL
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      elif grep -q ^PASS "$log"; then
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
          echo PASS
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
          echo ERROR
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
          echo "No test results found." 1>&2
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
    register: test_results
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
  - name: Set role result
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      role_result: "{{ test_results.stdout }}"
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      role_message: "{{ test_results.stderr|d('test execution error.') }}"
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      role_result_failed: "{{ test_results.stdout != 'PASS' }}"
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      role_result_msg: "{{ test_results.stderr|d('test execution error.') }}"
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
  - include_role:
Akira TAGOH 7649bd5
      name: str-common-final
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
  - name: Validate the result
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
    shell: echo "test_results.stdout"
Akira TAGOH 8f752ce
    failed_when: test_results.stdout != 'PASS'