766a9c6 - Improve the fontconfig config file to match ko-kr as well. (#586306)

Authored and Committed by tagoh 14 years ago
    - Improve the fontconfig config file to match ko-kr as well. (#586306)
    - sync NVR and fixes from RHEL-6.
    - Update the priority.
baekmuk-ttf-batang.conf 65-baekmuk-ttf-batang.conf
file renamed
baekmuk-ttf-dotum.conf 65-baekmuk-ttf-dotum.conf
file renamed
file modified
+26 -15
baekmuk-ttf-gulim.conf 65-baekmuk-ttf-gulim.conf
file renamed
baekmuk-ttf-hline.conf 65-baekmuk-ttf-hline.conf
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file