sgallagh / rpms / firewalld

Forked from rpms/firewalld 5 years ago

144b73b New version 0.2.11

Authored and Committed by twoerner 11 years ago
    New version 0.2.11
    - Fixed more _xmlplus (PyXML) incompatibilities to python xml
    - Several man page updates
    - Fixed error in addForwardPort, removeForwardPort and queryForwardPort
    - firewall-cmd: use already existing queryForwardPort()
    - Update firewall.cmd man page, use man page as firewall-cmd usage (rhbz#876394)
    - firewall-config: Do not force to show labels in the main toolbar
    - firewall-config: Dropped "Change default zone" from toolbar
    - firewall-config: Added menu entry to change zones of connections
    - firewall-applet: Zones can be changed now using nm-connection-editor
    - translation updates: cs, hu, ja
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