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# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see README.rst
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Handle loading six package from system or from the bundled copy
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import imp
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from distutils.version import StrictVersion
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_SIX_MIN_VERSION = StrictVersion('1.5.0')
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# Update this to prevent Astropy from using its bundled copy of six
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# (but only if some other version of at least _SIX_MIN_VERSION can
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# be provided)
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_SIX_SEARCH_PATH = ['six', 'sklearn.externals.bundled.six']
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def _find_module(name, path=None):
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    Alternative to `imp.find_module` that can also search in subpackages.
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    parts = name.split('.')
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    for part in parts:
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        if path is not None:
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            path = [path]
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        fh, path, descr = imp.find_module(part, path)
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    return fh, path, descr
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for mod_name in _SIX_SEARCH_PATH:
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        mod_info = _find_module(mod_name)
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    except ImportError:
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    mod = imp.load_module(__name__, *mod_info)
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        if StrictVersion(mod.__version__) >= _SIX_MIN_VERSION:
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    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
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        # Attribute error if the six module isn't what it should be and doesn't
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        # have a .__version__; ValueError if the version string exists but is
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        # somehow bogus/unparseable
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    raise ImportError(
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        "sklearn requires the 'six' module of minimum version {0}; "
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        "normally this is bundled with the astropy package so if you get "
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        "this warning consult the packager of your sklearn "
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