## Decode DMI data for x86/ia64 bioses. ######################################## ## ## Execute dmidecode in the dmidecode domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed to transition. ## ## # interface(`dmidecode_domtrans',` gen_require(` type dmidecode_t, dmidecode_exec_t; ') corecmd_search_bin($1) domtrans_pattern($1, dmidecode_exec_t, dmidecode_t) ') ######################################## ## ## Execute dmidecode in the dmidecode ## domain, and allow the specified ## role the dmidecode domain. ## ## ## ## Domain allowed to transition. ## ## ## ## ## Role allowed access. ## ## ## # interface(`dmidecode_run',` gen_require(` attribute_role dmidecode_roles; ') dmidecode_domtrans($1) roleattribute $2 dmidecode_roles; ')