db14db8 selinux-autorelabel: remove incorrect redirection to /dev/null

1 file Authored by sourcejedi 7 years ago, Committed by plautrba 7 years ago,
    selinux-autorelabel: remove incorrect redirection to /dev/null
    This code is currently incorrect.  Currently redirecting `fixfiles` to
    /dev/null will have very little effect.  Two messages will be suppressed,
    but both the percentage progress indicator, and any errors from
    the setfiles/restorecon binary will still be shown.
    The fact that fixfiles redirected its log output to stdin (!) was purely
    an implementation artefact.  It was used to write log messages even inside
    shell functions whose output is captured e.g. `RESULT=$(shell_func)`.
    When fixfiles is fixed to support output redirection normally, this code
    would now behave incorrectly.  It would suppress all percentage progress
    messages for this long-running process.
    Signed-off-by: Alan Jenkins <alan.christopher.jenkins@gmail.com>
file modified
+1 -1