otaylor / rpms / boost

Forked from rpms/boost 5 years ago

3957a04 Upgrade to Boost-1.48.0, adding two new header-only components

Authored and Committed by denisarnaud 12 years ago
    Upgrade to Boost-1.48.0, adding two new header-only components
    (Container and Move) and a new library (Locale).
    Resolves: #754865
    Added a patch with a manual page for the bjam executable.
    Added a patch to fix the non-UTF8-encoded example source file.
    Re-worked a little bit the example section, so as to fix the
    DOS-formatted and the ISO-8859-encoded files. The examples
    sub-package itself has been renamed into examples-devel.
file removed
boost-1.48.0-cmakeify-full.patch boost-1.47.0-cmakeify-full.patch
file renamed
+403 -199
boost-1.48.0-exceptions.patch boost-1.47.0-exceptions.patch
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
boost-1.48.0-signals-erase.patch boost-1.46.1-signals-erase.patch
file renamed
file was renamed with no change to the file
file removed
file modified
+102 -39
file modified
+1 -1