%global checkout cd96f02 Name: python3-mypy # Last actual version was 0.2.0, which is 7805b2c, continues as 0.2.0_dev Version: 0.2.0 Release: 1.dev20160111git%{?dist} Summary: A static type checker for Python %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-mypy} # The files under lib-python and lib-typing/3.2 are Python-licensed, but this # package does not include those files License: MIT URL: https://github.com/JukkaL/mypy # git archive --prefix=mypy-0.2.0-cd96f02/ cd96f02 | gzip -c9 > mypy-0.2.0-cd96f02.tar.gz Source0: mypy-%{version}-%{checkout}.tar.gz # The bundled typing.py is not needed with python 3.5 Patch0: 0001-Do-not-install-typing.py.patch # Change the search for data_dir to use Fedora's typeshed package instead of a # bundled version Patch1: 0002-Look-for-typeshed-in-usr-share.patch # From https://github.com/JukkaL/mypy/issues/1095#issuecomment-166725598 Patch2: 0003-Fix-1095.-Look-for-the-keyword-type-in-the-right-pla.patch # patch 2 breaks the data dir lookup when called as /bin/mypy instead of /usr/bin/mypy Patch3: 0004-Canonicalize-bin_dir-when-looking-for-data_dir.patch BuildRequires: python3-devel # Needed to generate the man pages BuildRequires: help2man Requires: python-typeshed BuildArch: noarch %description Mypy is an optional static type checker for Python. You can add type hints to your Python programs using the upcoming standard for type annotations introduced in Python 3.5 beta 1 (PEP 484), and use mypy to type check them statically. Find bugs in your programs without even running them! %prep %autosetup -n mypy-%{version}-%{checkout} -p1 %build %py3_build %install %py3_install # Generate man pages mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1 PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} \ help2man --no-info --version-string 'mypy %{version}-dev' \ --no-discard-stderr -o %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/mypy.1 \ %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/mypy PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} \ help2man --no-info --version-string 'mypy stubgen %{version}-dev' \ --no-discard-stderr -o %{buildroot}%{_mandir}/man1/stubgen.1 \ %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/stubgen %files %doc README.md CREDITS %license LICENSE %{python3_sitelib}/mypy %{python3_sitelib}/mypy_lang-*.egg-info %{_bindir}/mypy %{_bindir}/stubgen %{_mandir}/man1/mypy.1* %{_mandir}/man1/stubgen.1* # distutils insists on putting data_files in /usr/lib, so just go with it %{_prefix}/lib/mypy %changelog * Mon Jan 11 2016 David Shea - 0.2.0-1.dev20160111git - Add support for more kinds of function redefinition - Allow conditionally assigning None to a module - Support conditionally defined nested functions - Tighten argument type for Instance(erased=...) from Any to bool. - Reformat a few messages so they are easier to find using grep. - Update README.md to fix installation instructions for Python 3.5 * Thu Jan 7 2016 David Shea - 0.2.0-1.dev20160104git.1 - Fix a bug in the discovery of the typeshed files * Mon Jan 4 2016 David Shea - 0.2.0-1.dev20160104git - Don't check git submodule in subprocesses. - Improve check for "# type: ignore". - Add --pdb flag to drop into pdb upon fatal error. - Don't report internal error when using a name that could not be imported. - Write type-checking errors to stdout. Make usage() more complete. - Avoid ever relying on a not-yet-initialized MRO - When comparing template to actual arg types, stop at shortest. - Be more clever about finding a Python 2 interpreter - Basic support for partial 'None' types - Handle multiple None initializers - Remove redundant annotations - Partial type improvements - Allow assignments to function definitions - Document --pdb option. - Look for the keyword type in the right place. * Mon Dec 21 2015 David Shea - 0.2.0-1.dev20151220git - Fix an internal error when updating a partial type from an outer scope * Thu Dec 17 2015 David Shea - 0.2.0-1.dev20151217git - Initial package