mhonek / rpms / openldap

Forked from rpms/openldap 3 years ago

a2323f6 - update to 2.2.23 (stable-20050125)

Authored and Committed by nalin 19 years ago
    - update to 2.2.23 (stable-20050125)
    - update notes on upgrading from earlier versions
    - drop slapcat variations for 2.0/2.1, which choke on 2.2's config files
    - warn about unreadable krb5 keytab files containing "ldap" keys
    - warn about unreadable TLS-related files
    - own a ref to subdirectories which we create under %%{_libdir}/tls
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+3 -0
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+66 -8
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+79 -13
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+23 -113
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+2 -3