Uses the utilities in acpica-tools to dump the ACPI tables on a system and upload to Beaker. The task will do the following: - Capture the acpi tables currently in use by the running kernel in binary format (acpidump-acpica -b) - Capture namespace information from the DSDT (acpinames dsdt.dat) - Capture the acpi tables currently in use by the running kernel hexidecmal encoded (acpidump-acpica -o somefile.hex) - Decompile the table files from the binary tables and store the resulting source code (iasl -d on each .dat file) - Archive all of the above and send to Beaker. Paramaters: ACPIDUMP_BIN - Set to path/to/alternate-acpidump-binary to use a different acpidump tool from what acpica-tools provides, set to "_sys_firmware" to bypass use of acpidump completely and dump from /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/ instead note: using the acpidump binary is not supported on all platforms