1c9aa91 Support for PT-TLS (RFC 6876)

Authored and Committed by Avesh Agarwal 10 years ago
    Support for PT-TLS  (RFC 6876)
    - Support for SWID IMC/IMV
    - Support for command line IKE client charon-cmd
    - Changed location of pki to /usr/bin
    - Added swid tags files
    - Added man pages for pki and charon-cmd
    - Renamed pki to strongswan-pki to avoid conflict with
      pki-core/pki-tools package.
    - Update local patches
    - Fixes CVE-2013-6075
    - Fixes CVE-2013-6076
    - Fixed autoconf/automake issue as configure.ac got changed
      and it required running autoreconf during the build process.
    - added strongswan signature file to the sources.
    - Fixed initialization crash of IMV and IMC particularly
      attestation imv/imc as libstrongswas was not getting
    - Enabled fips support
    - Enabled TNC's ifmap support
    - Enabled TNC's pdp support
    - Fixed hardocded package name in this spec file
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