genodeftest / rpms / eclipse

Forked from rpms/eclipse 4 years ago

7289f98 - Use upstream icons (not RHDS ones) (rh#146484).

Authored and Committed by Andrew Overholt 19 years ago
1 file changed. 246 lines added. 287 lines removed.
    - Use upstream icons (not RHDS ones) (rh#146484).
    - Add plugin directories to %files sections.
    - Rework %files sections a bit.
    - Fix SWT symlink (bkonrath).
    - Temporarily remove jdt.ui/
    Thu Apr 21 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.8
    - Fix updatesite patch.
    - Temporarily remove (r.c#151919)
file modified
+246 -287