#!/bin/sh -eux # set default version to %{python3_version} if available VERSION=${VERSION:-$(rpm --eval '%{?python3_version}')} || true # ...or 3.8 if that macro is not available or rpm fails for any reason VERSION=${VERSION:-3.8} PYTHON=${PYTHON:-python$VERSION} # what to skip # test_socket swaps and kills the machine https://bugs.python.org/issue34587 X=${X:-"-x test_socket"} # parallel jobs, 0 lets Python decide what's best JOBS=${JOBS:-0} # Fedora sets explicit minimum/maximum TLS versions. # Python's test suite assumes that the minimum/maximum version is set to # a magic marker. We workaround the test problem by setting: export OPENSSL_CONF=/non-existing-file # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1618753 # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1778357 # https://bugs.python.org/issue35045 # https://bugs.python.org/issue38815 $PYTHON -m test.pythoninfo $PYTHON -m test -wW -j$JOBS $X