brianjmurrell / rpms / remmina

Forked from rpms/remmina 5 years ago

fc1472c Fix scrolling in VNC (#830210)

Authored and Committed by cwickert 11 years ago
1 file changed. 153 lines added. 66 lines removed.
    Fix scrolling in VNC (#830210)
    - Handle GDK_SCROLL_SMOOTH in VNC and RDP
    - Bring back the --icon/-i autostart option (#834883)
    - Fix fullscreen with multiple monitors (#864262)
    - Resize window to fit remote resolution (#953678)
    - Enable TLS-support in VNC plugin
    - Close SSH tunnels on disconnect (
    - Patch out copy of libvncserver shipped in source tarball
    - Update icon cache also for plugins
    - Drop the remmina-plugins-common package
    - Drop Provides/Obsoletes for grdc
    - Spec file clean-up
file modified
+153 -66