almac / rpms / eclipse

Forked from rpms/eclipse 3 years ago
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Epoch:	1
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%define gcj_support 	1
Andrew Overholt f335515
%define tomcatsharedir 	%{_datadir}/tomcat5
Andrew Overholt f335515
%define tomcatlibdir 	%{_var}/lib/tomcat5
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%define pkg_summary     An open, extensible IDE
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%define section         free
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%define swt_version     3138
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%define eclipse_major   3
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%define eclipse_minor   1
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%define eclipse_majmin  %{eclipse_major}.%{eclipse_minor}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%define eclipse_micro   0
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%define eclipse_oldmajminmic  3.0.0
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%define libname         libswt3
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%define build_id        S-3.1RC3-200506171618
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
# All arches line up except i386 -> x86
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
%ifarch %{ix86}
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
%define eclipse_arch    x86
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
%define eclipse_arch   %{_arch}
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Summary:        %{pkg_summary}
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Name:           eclipse
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Version:        %{eclipse_majmin}.%{eclipse_micro}_fc
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Release:        0.RC3.1
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
License:        EPL
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt c18750b
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Source1:        %{name}.script
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Source2:        %{name}.desktop
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Source5:        %{name}-48.png
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Source6:        %{name}.conf
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Source7:        %{name}-jdt.install
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Source8:        %{name}-pde.install     
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Source9:        %{name}-platform.install
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Source10:       %{libname}-gtk2.install
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
# this should be replaced with:
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
# Source11:	%{name}-native-splash-3.1.png
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
# when Eclipse 3.1 comes out.
Source11:	%{name}-native-splash-3.1-M7.png
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Source16:       %{name}
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
Source17:       %{name}
# this zip was taken from the M6 source drop
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Source19:       %{name}-filenamepatterns.txt
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 669d044
# Build libswt-mozilla
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Patch0:         %{name}-make-linux.patch
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# Build JNI libs
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# FIXME:  these should be built by upstream build method
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
# GNU XML issue identified by Michael Koch
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Patch2:		%{name}-build.patch
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Patch3:		%{name}-dontgeneratehelpindices.patch
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Patch4:		%{name}-libupdatebuild.patch
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Patch5:		%{name}-libupdatebuild2.patch
Andrew Overholt 669d044
# Use installed mozilla libs and headers
Andrew Overholt 669d044
Patch11:	%{name}-libswt-mozilla.patch
Andrew Overholt 971d998
# We can't really commit to doing builds for these arches upstream, but we
Andrew Overholt 971d998
# need at least eclipse-ecj to run on them as it's our bytecode compiler for
Andrew Overholt 971d998
# Fedora.
#Patch13:	%{name}-s390ands390x.patch
Andrew Overholt 971d998
# Stupid spaces in directories ...
#Patch14:	%{name}-s390ands390x2.patch
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
Patch15:	%{name}-build-activeHelpSample.jar.patch
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
# Make find work.  See
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
#Patch16:	%{name}-find.patch
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
# Build swttools.jar
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
Patch18: 	%{name}-swttools.patch
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
# Add command-line source code formatter
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
Patch19: 	%{name}-efj.patch
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
# GNU-style JDT formatter
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Patch20: 	%{name}-gnuformatterjdt.patch
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Patch21: 	%{name}-gnuformatterjdtui.patch
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Patch22: 	%{name}-updatehomedir.patch
Patch24: 	%{name}-fileinitializer.patch
Ben Konrath e1c946a
Patch26: 	%{name}-ecj-options.patch
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Patch28: 	%{name}-tomcat5.patch
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Patch29: 	%{name}-tomcat5-build.patch
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Patch30: 	%{name}-tomcat5-build.2.patch
Andrew Overholt f335515
Patch31: 	%{name}-webapp-tomcat5.patch
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt f335515
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt f335515
ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 ppc
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt f335515
BuildArch:	noarch
Andrew Overholt f335515
cvsdist 38d0d0c
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
cvsdist 38d0d0c
BuildRequires:  ant
cvsdist 38d0d0c
BuildRequires:  perl
cvsdist 38d0d0c
BuildRequires:  jpackage-utils >= 0:1.5, make, gcc
Andrew Overholt 7c41ca3
BuildRequires:  gnome-vfs2-devel
Andrew Overholt 7c41ca3
BuildRequires:  gtk2-devel
Andrew Overholt 7c41ca3
BuildRequires:  glib2-devel
Andrew Overholt b735554
BuildRequires:  gcc-c++
Ben Konrath ab165ad
BuildRequires:  mozilla >= 37:1.7.8
Ben Konrath ab165ad
BuildRequires:  mozilla-devel >= 37:1.7.8
Ben Konrath ab165ad
BuildRequires:  mozilla-nspr-devel >= 37:1.7.8
Andrew Overholt 5201aaf
BuildRequires:  xorg-x11-devel
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Ben Konrath 832c52f
BuildRequires:	gcc-java >= 4.0.0-2
Ben Konrath 9aaf3dd
BuildRequires:	java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel >=
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
BuildRequires:  dos2unix
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
BuildRequires:	java-devel >= 1.4.2
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
BuildRequires: ant-antlr ant-apache-bcel ant-apache-log4j ant-apache-oro ant-apache-regexp ant-apache-resolver ant-commons-logging
Andrew Overholt f335515
#BuildRequires: ant-apache-bsf ant-commons-net
Andrew Overholt 26f87c4
BuildRequires: ant-jdepend ant-jmf ant-junit ant-nodeps ant-swing ant-trax ant-jsch
Ben Konrath c2da25d
BuildRequires: jsch >= 0:0.1.18-1jpp
Andrew Overholt f335515
BuildRequires: jakarta-commons-beanutils jakarta-commons-collections jakarta-commons-digester jakarta-commons-dbcp jakarta-commons-el jakarta-commons-fileupload jakarta-commons-launcher jakarta-commons-logging jakarta-commons-modeler jakarta-commons-pool
Andrew Overholt f335515
BuildRequires: mx4j >= 2.1
Andrew Overholt f335515
BuildRequires: tomcat5 tomcat5-jasper tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api
Andrew Overholt f335515
#BuildRequires: lucene lucene-demo
Ben Konrath 22a1ac6
BuildRequires: regexp 
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
BuildRequires: junit >= 3.8.1-3jpp
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 8325780
Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist df631d8
cvsdist df631d8
cvsdist df631d8
The Eclipse Platform is designed for building integrated development
cvsdist df631d8
environments (IDEs) that can be used to create applications as diverse
cvsdist 38d0d0c
as web sites, embedded Java(tm) programs, C++ programs, and Enterprise
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt b818870
%package        ecj
Andrew Overholt b818870
Summary:        Eclipse Compiler for Java
Andrew Overholt b818870
Group:          Development/Languages
Andrew Overholt b818870
Obsoletes:	ecj
Andrew Overholt a1ea6b3
Provides:	ecj
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Ben Konrath 832c52f
Requires:	libgcj >= 4.0.0-2
Ben Konrath 9aaf3dd
Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat >=
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Requires:	java >= 1.4.2
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt b818870
Andrew Overholt b818870
%description    ecj
Andrew Overholt b818870
Eclipse compiler for Java.
Andrew Overholt b818870
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%package        platform
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Summary:        Eclipse platform common files
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
Provides:       %{name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt f335515
Obsoletes:	%{name}-sdk %{name}-ui %{name}-gtk2 %{name}-scripts eclipse
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Provides:	%{name}-sdk = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Provides:       %{name}-ui = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt f335515
Provides:       %{name}-scripts = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Provides:       %{name}-gtk2 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Ben Konrath 9aaf3dd
Requires:	java-1.4.2-gcj-compat >=
Ben Konrath 832c52f
Requires:	libgcj >= 4.0.0-2
Ben Konrath 9aaf3dd
Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat >=
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Requires:	java >= 1.4.2
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Requires:       %{libname}-gtk2 = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Requires:       /usr/bin/perl
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Requires:       /usr/bin/mozilla
Andrew Overholt af1c2d2
PreReq:         gtk2 >= 2.6
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Requires: ant-antlr ant-apache-bcel ant-apache-log4j ant-apache-oro ant-apache-regexp ant-apache-resolver ant-commons-logging
Andrew Overholt f335515
#Requires: ant-apache-bsf ant-commons-net
Andrew Overholt 26f87c4
Requires: ant-jdepend ant-jmf ant-junit ant-nodeps ant-swing ant-trax ant-jsch
Ben Konrath c2da25d
Requires: jsch >= 0:0.1.18-1jpp
Andrew Overholt f335515
Requires: jakarta-commons-beanutils jakarta-commons-collections jakarta-commons-digester jakarta-commons-dbcp jakarta-commons-el jakarta-commons-fileupload jakarta-commons-launcher jakarta-commons-logging jakarta-commons-modeler jakarta-commons-pool
Andrew Overholt f335515
Requires: mx4j >= 2.1
Andrew Overholt f335515
Requires: tomcat5 tomcat5-jasper tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api
Andrew Overholt f335515
#Requires: lucene lucene-demo
Ben Konrath 22a1ac6
Requires: regexp
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%description    platform
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Eclipse platform common files.  This package now contains the GTK2 UI (the
Andrew Overholt 357a573
former eclipse-gtk2 package).
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%package        platform-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Summary:        Eclipse platform Source
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Requires:       %{name}-platform = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%description    platform-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Source for Eclipse platform for use within Eclipse.
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%package        jdt
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Summary:        Eclipse Java development tools
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Requires:       %{name}-platform = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Requires:       %{name}-ecj = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Requires:       junit >= 3.8.1-3jpp
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Ben Konrath 832c52f
Requires:	libgcj >= 4.0.0-2
Ben Konrath 9aaf3dd
Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat >=
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%description    jdt
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Eclipse Java developments tools.
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%package        jdt-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Summary:        Eclipse JDT Source
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Requires:       %{name}-jdt = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%description    jdt-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Source for JDT for use within Eclipse.
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%package        pde
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Summary:        Eclipse PDE
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Requires:       %{name}-jdt = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Requires:       %{name}-platform-devel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Ben Konrath 9aaf3dd
Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat >=
Ben Konrath 832c52f
Requires:	libgcj >= 4.0.0-2
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%package        pde-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Summary:        Eclipse PDE Source
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Requires:       %{name}-pde = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Requires:       %{name}-jdt-devel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Obsoletes:	%{name}-source
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Provides:       %{name}-source = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%description    pde-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Source for PDE for use within Eclipse.
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%description    pde
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Eclipse PDE.
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%package     -n %{libname}-gtk2
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Summary:        SWT Library for GTK2
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Andrew Overholt 2c6e6e1
%if %{gcj_support}
Ben Konrath 9aaf3dd
Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat >=
Ben Konrath 832c52f
Requires:	libgcj >= 4.0.0-2
Andrew Overholt 2c6e6e1
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%description -n %{libname}-gtk2
cvsdist 38d0d0c
SWT Library for GTK2.
cvsdist 50a0222
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%package        rcp
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Summary:        Eclipse Rich Client Platform
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Group:          Development/Languages
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Requires:	libgcj >= 4.0.0-2
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat >=
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Requires:	java >= 1.4.2
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%description    rcp
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Eclipse Rich Client Platform
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%package        rcp-devel
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Summary:        Eclipse RCP Source
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Group:          Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Requires:       %{name}-rcp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Requires:       %{name}-jdt-devel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%description    rcp-devel
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Source for RCP for use within Eclipse.
Andrew Overholt c18750b
cvsdist df631d8
cvsdist 3a48756
%setup -q -c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# I hate spaces in paths with patch!
Andrew Overholt 357a573
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse\ SWT\ PI/gtk/library
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%patch0 -p0
Andrew Overholt 669d044
%patch11 -p0
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
#%patch14 -p0
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%patch2 -p0
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%patch3 -p0
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%patch4 -p0
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%patch5 -p0
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
#%patch13 -p1
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.platform.doc.isv
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
rm -f activeHelpSample.jar
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
%patch15 -p0
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
#%patch16 -p0
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.x86_64
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
%patch18 -p0
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
%patch19 -p0
#%patch20 -p0
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui
#%patch21 -p0
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.update.ui
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%patch22 -p0
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime
Ben Konrath 2531848
%patch24 -p0
Ben Konrath 2531848
Andrew Overholt f335515
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat
Andrew Overholt f335515
%patch28 -p0
Andrew Overholt f335515
%patch29 -p0
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt f335515
%patch30 -p0
Andrew Overholt f335515
pushd plugins/
Andrew Overholt f335515
%patch31 -p0
Andrew Overholt f335515
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  # Fedora splash screen.
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  pushd plugins/org.eclipse.platform
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  cp %{SOURCE11} splash.bmp
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  # use M5 ecj rather than the one included
  cp %{SOURCE18} jdtcoresrc/src/
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  # we need to add the ecj-options patch to the bootstrap compiler
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  pushd jdtcoresrc/src
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  dos2unix org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  dos2unix org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/batch/
%patch26 -p1
  zip -9 -r *
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
  rm -r org
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# Remove existing .sos
Andrew Overholt 357a573
find -name \*.so -exec rm "-f" "{}" ";"
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# Symlinks
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-antlr.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-antlr.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-bcel.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-apache-bcel.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-bsf.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-apache-bsf.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-log4j.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-apache-log4j.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-oro.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-apache-oro.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-regexp.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-apache-regexp.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-resolver.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-commons-logging.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-commons-logging.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-commons-net.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-commons-net.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# FIXME:  can we just remove these?
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-icontract.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-icontract.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-icontract.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-jai.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-jai.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-jai.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-javamail.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-javamail.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-javamail.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-jdepend.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-jdepend.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-jmf.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-jmf.jar
Andrew Overholt 26f87c4
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-jsch.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-jsch.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-junit.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-junit.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant-launcher.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-nodeps.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-nodeps.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt 357a573
## FIXME:  can we just remove these?
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-starteam.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-starteam.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-starteam.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-stylebook.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-stylebook.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-stylebook.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-swing.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-swing.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-trax.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-trax.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# FIXME:  can we just remove these?
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-vaj.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-vaj.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-vaj.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-weblogic.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-weblogic.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-weblogic.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-xalan1.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-xalan1.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-xalan1.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-xslp.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
##ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-xslp.jar plugins/org.apache.ant/lib/ant-xslp.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt 357a573
## END ANT ##
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/lucene.jar plugins/org.apache.lucene/lucene-1.4.3.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_datadir}/lucene/lucene-demos-1.4.3.jar plugins/org.apache.lucene/parser.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
# =====>>>>>>>>>>>ln -sf %{_javadir}/jsch.jar plugins/
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/commons-beanutils.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/commons-collections.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/commons-digester.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/commons-logging-api.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/commons-modeler.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/servlet.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/servlets-manager.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatsharedir}/bin/bootstrap.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/bootstrap.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/catalina.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/catalina.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/catalina-optional.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/catalina-optional.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-beanutils.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-beanutils.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-collections.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-collections.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-dbcp.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-dbcp.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-digester.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-digester.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-digester-rss.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-digester-rss.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-el.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-el.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-fileupload.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-fileupload.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-launcher.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-launcher.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-logging.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-logging.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-modeler.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-modeler.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-pool.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jakarta-commons-pool.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jasper5-compiler.jar  plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jasper-compiler.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jasper5-runtime.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jasper-runtime.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jspapi.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/jspapi.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/mx4j/mx4j.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/mx4j.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/mx4j/mx4j-impl.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/mx4j-impl.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/mx4j/mx4j-jmx.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/mx4j-jmx.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/common/lib/naming-common.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/naming-common.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/common/lib/naming-factory.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/naming-factory.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/common/lib/naming-resources.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/naming-resources.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/regexp.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/regexp.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/servletapi5.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/servletapi5.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/servlets-common.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/servlets-common.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/servlets-default.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/servlets-default.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/servlets-invoker.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/servlets-invoker.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/tomcat-coyote.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/tomcat-coyote.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/tomcat-http11.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/tomcat-http11.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/tomcat-util.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat/tomcat-util.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/junit.jar plugins/org.junit/junit.jar
cvsdist df631d8
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
rm -f *.jar
Andrew Overholt 669d044
pushd plugins/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse\ SWT\ PI/gtk/library
# /usr/lib -> /usr/lib64
sed --in-place "s:/usr/lib/:%{_libdir}/:g"
%if %{gcj_support}
  # link against gcj's jawt implementation.
  sed --in-place "s/-ljawt/-lgcjawt/" make_linux.mak
Andrew Overholt 669d044
Andrew Overholt 669d044
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # Bootstrapping is 3 parts:
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # 1. Build ecj with gcj -C 
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # 2. Build ecj with gcj-built ecj ("javac")
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # 3. Re-build ecj with output of 2.
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # Unzip the "stable compiler" source into a temp dir and build it.
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # Note:  we don't want to build the CompilerAdapter.
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  mkdir ecj-bootstrap-tmp
  unzip -qq -d ecj-bootstrap-tmp jdtcoresrc/src/
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  rm -f ecj-bootstrap-tmp/org/eclipse/jdt/core/
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # 1a. Build ecj with gcj -C
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  pushd ecj-bootstrap-tmp
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  for f in `find -name '*.java' | cut -c 3-`; do
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
      gcj -Wno-deprecated -C $f
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  find -name '*.class' -or -name '*.properties' -or -name '*.rsc' |\
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
      xargs jar cf ../ecj-bootstrap.jar
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # Delete our modified ecj and restore the backup
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  rm -rf ecj-bootstrap-tmp
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  ## 1b. Natively-compile it
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  #gcj -fPIC -fjni -findirect-dispatch -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  #  -o ecj-bootstrap.jar
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  #gcj-dbtool -n ecj-bootstrap.db 30000
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  #gcj-dbtool -a ecj-bootstrap.db ecj-bootstrap.jar{,.so}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  ## 2a. Build ecj
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  export CLASSPATH=ecj-bootstrap.jar:$ORIGCLASSPATH
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  #export GCJ_PROPERTIES="gnu.gcj.precompiled.db.path=`pwd`/ecj-bootstrap.db"
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
ant -buildfile jdtcoresrc/compilejdtcorewithjavac.xml
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  # 2b. Natively-compile ecj
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  gcj -fPIC -fjni -findirect-dispatch -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#    -o jdtcoresrc/ jdtcoresrc/jdtcore.jar
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  gcj-dbtool -n jdtcoresrc/jdtcore.db 30000
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  gcj-dbtool -a jdtcoresrc/jdtcore.db jdtcoresrc/jdtcore.jar{,.so}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  export GCJ_PROPERTIES="gnu.gcj.precompiled.db.path=`pwd`/jdtcoresrc/jdtcore.db"
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # Remove our gcj-built ecj
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  #rm ecj-bootstrap.db ecj-bootstrap.jar
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  rm ecj-bootstrap.jar
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
# 3. Use this ecj to rebuild itself
export CLASSPATH=`pwd`/jdtcoresrc/ecj.jar:$ORIGCLASSPATH
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
ant -buildfile jdtcoresrc/compilejdtcore.xml
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  # Natively-compile it
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  gcj -fPIC -fjni -findirect-dispatch -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#    -o jdtcore.jar
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  gcj-dbtool -n jdtcore.db 30000
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  gcj-dbtool -a jdtcore.db jdtcore.jar{,.so}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  export GCJ_PROPERTIES="gnu.gcj.precompiled.db.path=`pwd`/jdtcore.db"
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  # Remove old native bits
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
#  rm jdtcoresrc/jdtcore.db jdtcoresrc/
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
# Build the rest of Eclipse
export CLASSPATH=`pwd`/ecj.jar:$ORIGCLASSPATH
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ant \
Andrew Overholt 357a573
  -Dnobootstrap=true \
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
  -DinstallOs=linux -DinstallWs=gtk -DinstallArch=%{eclipse_arch} \
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  pushd result
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # De-compress resulting tarball
Andrew Overholt c18750b
  tar zxf linux-gtk-%{eclipse_arch}-sdk.tar.gz
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  pushd eclipse
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # Remove the jars that we're using from other packages so that we don't
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # natively-compile them again
Andrew Overholt f335515
  rm -f plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant*.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
  rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/*.jar
Andrew Overholt 6bf0e82
  rm -f plugins/
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  rm -f plugins/org.junit_3.8.1/junit.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
  rm -f plugins/org.apache.lucene*/*.jar
  # extract jdtCompilerAdapter.jar from org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.1.0.jar
  unzip -d plugins plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.1.0.jar jdtCompilerAdapter.jar
  %ifarch ppc
    mv plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.1.0.jar{,.bak}
Andrew Overholt f335515
  # Native build -- do -O2 on x86 and ppc only (for now)
Andrew Overholt f335515
  # see, for example
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  %ifarch %{ix86} ppc
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
    for j in `find -name \*.jar`; do
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
        d=".%{_libdir}/%{name}/`dirname $j | sed 's:\./::'`";
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
        mkdir -p $d;
Ben Konrath 50ec5e9
        gcj -g -fPIC -fjni -findirect-dispatch -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic -O2 \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
          -o $d/`basename $j`.so $j;
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
    mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
    for j in `find -name \*.jar`; do
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
        d=".%{_libdir}/%{name}/`dirname $j | sed 's:\./::'`";
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
        mkdir -p $d;
Ben Konrath 50ec5e9
        gcj -g -fPIC -fjni -findirect-dispatch -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic -O1 \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
          -o $d/`basename $j`.so $j;
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt f335515
  %ifarch ppc
    mv plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.ui_3.1.0.jar{.bak,}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
  # FIXME:  temporarily disable
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # see:
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  mv \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
  # FIXME:  temporarily disable 
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
  # see:
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
  mv \
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
  # FIXME:  temporarily disable
  # see:
  mv \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  pushd .%{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins
Ben Konrath 50ec5e9
    gcj -g -O2 --main=org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.batch.Main \
      -Wl,-R,%{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins \
d941e6a -o ecj
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # Tar up the native libs
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  tar czf ../%{name}-nativelycompiledjars.tar.gz .%{_libdir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  # Remove expanded eclipse build
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
  rm -rf eclipse
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist df631d8
# Hack to get the -debuginfo source code references
# to be pointing to the right place:
# Hardlink all the org.* source we can find
# Presumably, all the zipped source gets unzipped before compilation?
#pushd result
#mkdir -p eclipse/org
#cat >copyallsrc <<-EOF
#	#! /bin/bash -peu
#	cd "\$1"
#	echo "Copying all .java source files from \$1 to $collected_src_dir..."
#	find . -type f -name '*.java' -print0 \
#	| xargs -0 -r cp -l --parents --target-directory=$collected_src_dir/org
#chmod u+x copyallsrc
## Special case logic for SWT - only copy linux-gtk source
#find $src_root -type d -a \( -name org.eclipse.swt -prune -o -name org -print0 \) | xargs -l -0 ./copyallsrc
#./copyallsrc $src_root/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse\ SWT/gtk/org
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist df631d8
cvsdist 38d0d0c
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
cvsdist df631d8
Andrew Overholt 357a573
tar -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir} -zxf \
Andrew Overholt c18750b
cvsdist df631d8
# extract jdtCompilerAdapter.jar from org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.1.0.jar (again)
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
unzip -d plugins plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_3.1.0.jar jdtCompilerAdapter.jar
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
# Extract .so files
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
java -cp startup.jar org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main -consolelog -application org.eclipse.core.runtime.initializer -fileInitializer %{SOURCE19}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# Binaries, libraries, and natively-built shared libraries
cvsdist 38d0d0c
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}
cvsdist df631d8
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
  # Natively-compiled jars (shared libraries)
  tar -C $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -zxf result/%{name}-nativelycompiledjars.tar.gz
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist df631d8
Andrew Overholt 357a573
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 8325780
# Install ecj binary
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins/ecj \
Andrew Overholt 8325780
Andrew Overholt 8325780
chmod a+x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/ecj
Andrew Overholt 8325780
Andrew Overholt 75af349
# Directory to hold all the .jar->.so mapping dbs
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT`gcj-dbtool -p %{_libdir}`
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT`gcj-dbtool -p %{_libdir}`.d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 75af349
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# Eclipse binary
Andrew Overholt 357a573
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/eclipse \
Andrew Overholt 357a573
cvsdist df631d8
cvsdist 38d0d0c
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
cvsdist 38d0d0c
ln -sf %{_libdir}/%{name}/eclipse eclipse
cvsdist df631d8
Andrew Overholt c18750b
# Symlink JNI libraries
Andrew Overholt c18750b
for l in `find configuration -name \*.so`; do
Andrew Overholt c18750b
    mv $l $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name};
Andrew Overholt c18750b
    pushd `dirname $l`;
Andrew Overholt c18750b
      ln -sf %{_libdir}/%{name}/`basename $l`;
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
chmod -R 755 eclipse *.so
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt c18750b
### begin libswt-gtk2 symlinks
Andrew Overholt c18750b
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt c18750b
for base in awt-gtk atk-gtk mozilla-gtk gnome-gtk gtk pi-gtk; do
Andrew Overholt c18750b
  ln -sf %{_libdir}/%{name}/libswt-${base}-%{swt_version}.so \
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 357a573
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}
ln -sf %{_datadir}/%{name}/plugins/org.eclipse.swt.gtk.linux.%{eclipse_arch}_%{eclipse_majmin}.%{eclipse_micro}.jar swt-gtk-%{eclipse_majmin}.%{eclipse_micro}.jar
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
### end libswt-gtk2 symlinks
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# Launching script
cvsdist 38d0d0c
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
cvsdist 38d0d0c
perl -pe \
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
  's|/usr/lib/eclipse/|%{_libdir}/%{name}/|g ;
cvsdist 38d0d0c
   s|/etc/|%{_sysconfdir}/|g ;
cvsdist 38d0d0c
   s|/usr/bin/|%{_bindir}/|g' \
cvsdist 38d0d0c
  %{SOURCE1} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/eclipse
Andrew Overholt 82fc3d0
chmod a+x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/eclipse
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
# Default config
cvsdist 38d0d0c
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}
cvsdist 38d0d0c
perl -pe 's|/usr/lib/eclipse/|%{_datadir}/%{name}/|g' \
cvsdist 38d0d0c
  %{SOURCE6} > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/eclipse.conf
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
# rh/ icons
cvsdist 38d0d0c
install -p -D -m0644 %{SOURCE5} \
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
install -d -m0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/pixmaps
cvsdist 38d0d0c
ln -s ../icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/%{name}.png \
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
install -d -m0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
ln -s ../../../../%{name}/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_%{eclipse_majmin}.%{eclipse_micro}/eclipse32.gif \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
install -d -m0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
ln -s ../../../../%{name}/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_%{eclipse_majmin}.%{eclipse_micro}/eclipse.gif \
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
# Remove unused icon.xpm
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/icon.xpm
cvsdist df631d8
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
# install the efj wrapper script and change the Eclipse installation dir
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
install -p -D -m0755 %{SOURCE17} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/efj
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
sed --in-place "s:startup.jar:%{_datadir}/%{name}/startup.jar:" \
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
cvsdist 38d0d0c
# A sanity check.
cvsdist 38d0d0c
desktop-file-validate %{SOURCE2}
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
# menu entry
cvsdist 38d0d0c
install -p -D -m0644 %{SOURCE2} \
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cat %{SOURCE7} > %{name}-jdt.install
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cat %{SOURCE8} > %{name}-pde.install
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cat %{SOURCE9} > %{name}-platform.install
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
cat %{SOURCE10} > %{libname}-gtk2.install
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cat >> $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/.eclipseproduct << EOF
cvsdist 38d0d0c
name=Eclipse Platform
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
# Create a script that can be used to make a symlink tree of the
cvsdist 38d0d0c
# eclipse platform.
Andrew Overholt 357a573
cp %{SOURCE16} copy-platform
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
  cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
cvsdist 38d0d0c
  ls -d * | egrep -v '^(plugins|features)$'
cvsdist 38d0d0c
  ls -d plugins/* features/*
cvsdist 38d0d0c
) |
cvsdist 38d0d0c
sed -e's/^\(.*\)$/\1 \1/' -e's,^,ln -s $eclipse/,' >> copy-platform
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/buildscripts
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cp copy-platform $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/buildscripts
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-antlr.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-antlr.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-bcel.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-apache-bcel.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-bsf.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-apache-bsf.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-log4j.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-apache-log4j.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-oro.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-apache-oro.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-regexp.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-apache-regexp.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-apache-resolver.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-commons-logging.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-commons-logging.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-commons-net.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-commons-net.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-icontract.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-icontract.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-jai.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-jai.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-javamail.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-javamail.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-jdepend.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-jdepend.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-jmf.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-jmf.jar
Andrew Overholt 26f87c4
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-jsch.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-jsch.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-junit.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-junit.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant-launcher.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-launcher.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-nodeps.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-nodeps.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-starteam.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-starteam.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-stylebook.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-stylebook.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-swing.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-swing.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-trax.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-trax.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-vaj.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-vaj.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-weblogic.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-weblogic.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-xalan1.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-xalan1.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant/ant-xslp.jar plugins/org.apache.ant_*/lib/ant-xslp.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
## END ANT ##
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_javadir}/lucene.jar plugins/org.apache.lucene_*/lucene-1.4.3.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
#ln -sf %{_datadir}/lucene/lucene-demos-1.4.3.jar plugins/org.apache.lucene_*/parser.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.core.boot_*/boot.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
###ln -sf %{_javadir}/ant.jar plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources_*/lib/ant.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources_*/lib/antsupport.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_*/osgi/collx.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_*/osgi/
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_*/osgi/ee.minimum.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_*/osgi/exceptions.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_*/osgi/osgi-r3-jdk131-notsigned.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
###ln -sf %{_javadir}/xml-commons-apis.jar plugins/org.eclipse.osgi_*/osgi/xmlParserAPIs.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.osgi.services_*/services.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.osgi.util_*/util.jar
#===> ln -sf %{_javadir}/jsch.jar plugins/*/jsch-0.1.18.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
# plugins/org.eclipse.text/text_*.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/commons-beanutils.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/commons-collections.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/commons-digester.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/commons-logging-api.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/commons-modeler.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/servlet.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
rm -f plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/servlets-manager.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatsharedir}/bin/bootstrap.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/bootstrap.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/catalina.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/catalina.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/catalina-optional.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/catalina-optional.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-beanutils.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-beanutils.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-collections.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-collections.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-dbcp.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-dbcp.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-digester.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-digester.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-digester-rss.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-digester-rss.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-el.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-el.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-fileupload.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-fileupload.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-launcher.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-launcher.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-logging.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-logging.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-modeler.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-modeler.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jakarta-commons-pool.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jakarta-commons-pool.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jasper5-compiler.jar  plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jasper-compiler.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jasper5-runtime.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jasper-runtime.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/jspapi.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/jspapi.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/mx4j/mx4j.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/mx4j.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/mx4j/mx4j-impl.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/mx4j-impl.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/mx4j/mx4j-jmx.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/mx4j-jmx.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/common/lib/naming-common.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/naming-common.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/common/lib/naming-factory.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/naming-factory.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/common/lib/naming-resources.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/naming-resources.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/regexp.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/regexp.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{_javadir}/servletapi5.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/servletapi5.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/servlets-common.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/servlets-common.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/servlets-default.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/servlets-default.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/servlets-invoker.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/servlets-invoker.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/tomcat-coyote.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/tomcat-coyote.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/tomcat-http11.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/tomcat-http11.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
ln -sf %{tomcatlibdir}/server/lib/tomcat-util.jar plugins/org.eclipse.tomcat_*/tomcat-util.jar
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt 357a573
ln -sf %{_javadir}/junit.jar plugins/org.junit_*/junit.jar
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt b6db7d1
# Symlink org.eclipse.jdt.core_%{eclipse_majmin}.%{eclipse_micro}.jar in
Andrew Overholt f335515
# %{_datadir}/java/eclipse-ecj.jar for java-1.4.2-gcj-compat's "javac"
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/java
ln -s %{_datadir}/%{name}/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_%{eclipse_majmin}.%{eclipse_micro}.jar \
Andrew Overholt b6db7d1
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 75af349
# Create the gcj dbs for libswt, ecj, platform, jdt, and pde
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
gcjdbdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT`gcj-dbtool -p %{_libdir}`.d
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
mkdir -p $gcjdbdir
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
gcj-dbtool -n $gcjdbdir/%{name}-ecj.db 80000
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
gcj-dbtool -n $gcjdbdir/libswt3-gtk2.db 80000
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
gcj-dbtool -n $gcjdbdir/%{name}-platform.db 80000
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
gcj-dbtool -n $gcjdbdir/%{name}-jdt.db 80000
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
gcj-dbtool -n $gcjdbdir/%{name}-pde.db 80000
Andrew Overholt c18750b
gcj-dbtool -n $gcjdbdir/%{name}-rcp.db 80000
Andrew Overholt 75af349
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
# ecj db
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
gcj-dbtool -f $gcjdbdir/%{name}-ecj.db \
  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.core_%{eclipse_majmin}.%{eclipse_micro}.jar \
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
gcj-dbtool -f $gcjdbdir/%{name}-ecj.db \
  $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/plugins/jdtCompilerAdapter.jar \
Andrew Overholt 360963c
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
# jdt db
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
for dir in `cat %{SOURCE7}`; do
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
    for j in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$dir -name \*.jar`; do
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
	lib=`echo $j | sed "s:%{_datadir}:%{_libdir}:"`.so;
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
	if [ -f $lib ]; then
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
	  gcj-dbtool -f $gcjdbdir/%{name}-jdt.db \
Andrew Overholt 531fabe
	    $j `echo $lib | sed "s:$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/::"`;
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 669d044
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
# pde db
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
for dir in `cat %{SOURCE8}`; do
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
    for j in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$dir -name \*.jar`; do
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
	lib=`echo $j | sed "s:%{_datadir}:%{_libdir}:"`.so;
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
	if [ -f $lib ]; then
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
	  gcj-dbtool -f $gcjdbdir/%{name}-pde.db \
Andrew Overholt 531fabe
	    $j `echo $lib | sed "s:$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/::"`;
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt c18750b
# rcp db
Andrew Overholt c18750b
for j in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/%{name}/plugins/org.eclipse.rcp_3.* \
Andrew Overholt c18750b
  -name \*.jar`; do
Andrew Overholt c18750b
    lib=`echo $j | sed "s:%{_datadir}:%{_libdir}:"`.so;
Andrew Overholt c18750b
    if [ -f $lib ]; then
Andrew Overholt c18750b
      gcj-dbtool -f $gcjdbdir/%{name}-rcp.db \
Andrew Overholt c18750b
        $j `echo $lib | sed "s:$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/::"`;
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
# platform db
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
for dir in `cat %{SOURCE9}`; do
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
    for j in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$dir -name \*.jar`; do
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
	lib=`echo $j | sed "s:%{_datadir}:%{_libdir}:"`.so;
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
	if [ -f $lib ]; then
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
	  gcj-dbtool -f $gcjdbdir/%{name}-platform.db \
Andrew Overholt 531fabe
	    $j `echo $lib | sed "s:$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/::"`;
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
# swt db
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
for dir in `cat %{SOURCE10}`; do
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
    for j in `find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/$dir -name \*.jar`; do
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
	lib=`echo $j | sed "s:%{_datadir}:%{_libdir}:"`.so;
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
	if [ -f $lib ]; then
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
	  gcj-dbtool -f $gcjdbdir/libswt3-gtk2.db \
Andrew Overholt 531fabe
	    $j `echo $lib | sed "s:$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/::"`;
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
%post ecj
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
%post jdt
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
%post pde
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%post rcp
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%post -n %{libname}-gtk2
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
%post platform
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor
if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
  gtk-update-icon-cache -q %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 75af349
%postun ecj
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 75af349
Andrew Overholt 75af349
%postun jdt
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 75af349
Andrew Overholt 75af349
%postun pde
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 75af349
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%postun rcp
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%postun -n %{libname}-gtk2
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt 75af349
%postun platform
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
%{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db %{_libdir}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor
if [ -x /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache ]; then
  gtk-update-icon-cache -q %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor
Andrew Overholt 75af349
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
%files ecj
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/plugins
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/features
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/configuration
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
Andrew Overholt 259d462
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
# Native bits
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
%files -n %{libname}-gtk2 -f %{libname}-gtk2.install
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/plugins
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/features
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}/configuration
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 75af349
# Native bits
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}/plugins
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist 38d0d0c
cvsdist 38d0d0c
%files jdt -f %{name}-jdt.install
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
# Native bits
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
%ifnarch ppc
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist 38d0d0c
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%files jdt-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt b818870
Andrew Overholt b818870
%files pde -f %{name}-pde.install
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
# Native bits
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
cvsdist df631d8
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%files pde-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%files rcp
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt c18750b
# Native bits
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
%files rcp-devel
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
%files platform -f %{name}-platform.install
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/eclipse.conf
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
%if %{gcj_support}
Andrew Overholt 76e1a94
# Native bits
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Ben Konrath f967fb4
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Andrew Overholt a1ea6b3
Andrew Overholt 357a573
%files platform-devel
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 4aa52c0
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt c18750b
* Mon Jun 20 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.RC3.1
Andrew Overholt c18750b
- Import 3.1RC3.
Andrew Overholt c18750b
- Use FileInitializer (e.o#90535) - this should eliminate .sos in ~/.eclipse.
Andrew Overholt c18750b
- Add eclipse-filenamepatterns.txt ("*.so" currently) for above.
Andrew Overholt c18750b
- Symlink JNI libraries.
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
* Fri Jun 17 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.RC2.2
Andrew Overholt c18750b
- Update to new naming scheme for resulting gzipped tarball.
Andrew Overholt c18750b
- Add patch to not generate help indices (it seems to hang).
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt c18750b
* Thu Jun 16 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.RC2.1
Andrew Overholt c18750b
- Import 3.1RC2.
Andrew Overholt c18750b
- Add RCP sub-package.  Unsure about its dependencies ATM.
Andrew Overholt c18750b
Andrew Overholt f335515
* Tue Jun 14 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M7.9
Andrew Overholt f335515
- Add tomcat5 patch and symlinks.
Andrew Overholt f335515
Andrew Overholt 13d3195
* Thu May 26 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M7.8
Andrew Overholt 13d3195
- Fix ant jar removal (gbenson).
Andrew Overholt 13d3195
Andrew Overholt af1c2d2
* Wed May 25 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M7.7
Andrew Overholt b6db7d1
- Fix ecj symlink in /usr/share/java (rh#158734).
Andrew Overholt b6db7d1
* Sun May 22 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M7.4
- Remove compilation of jdt.ui on ppc.
Ben Konrath fcca000
* Sat May 21 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M7.3
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
- Add ecj-options patch to bootstrap source.
Ben Konrath fe9df1e
- Make embedded browser widget work (Robin Green).
- Bump required version of java-gcj-compat to the latest (-40jpp_24rh).
- Use -lgcjawt when building with gcj.
* Wed May 18 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M7.2
- Disable
- Add ecj-options patch, remove ecj-extdirs patch.
* Wed May 18 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M7.1
- Update to 3.1M7.
- Add file initializer patch.
- Temporarily remove s390{,x} patches.
- Update GNU formatter ui patch.
- Add ECJ ext dirs patch.
Ben Konrath e1c946a
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
* Tue May 17 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.19
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
- Add Epoch on eclipse-platform.
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
- Use %%{_bindir} in post and postun scripts.
Andrew Overholt bd9eed8
Ben Konrath c2da25d
* Tue May 17 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.18
Ben Konrath c2da25d
- Add Epoch to jsch requires.
Ben Konrath c2da25d
Ben Konrath ab165ad
* Mon May 16 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.17
Ben Konrath ab165ad
- Update libswt-mozilla patches and require mozilla 1.7.8.
Ben Konrath ab165ad
Ben Konrath c2da25d
* Fri May 13 2005 Andrew Overholt <>
Andrew Overholt 9a9dc1f
- Use %%{ix86} macro in ExclusiveArch rather than i386 (jorton).
Andrew Overholt 9a9dc1f
Ben Konrath c2da25d
* Wed May 11 2005 Ben Konrath <>
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
- Add jsch >= 0.1.18-1jpp.
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
- Remove Fedora specific part of junit version.
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
- Temporarily disable (rh#146463).
Ben Konrath 41ba94d
Ben Konrath 22a1ac6
* Mon May 09 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.16
Ben Konrath 22a1ac6
- Add Requires junit >= 3.8.1-3jpp_4fc to JDT.
Ben Konrath 50ec5e9
- Add -g to gcj calls.
Ben Konrath 22a1ac6
Andrew Overholt 9db3367
* Thu May 05 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.15
Andrew Overholt 9db3367
- Rebuild with new gjdoc (rh#152049).
Andrew Overholt 9db3367
Andrew Overholt 9db3367
* Wed May 4 2005 Ben Konrath <>
Ben Konrath 832c52f
- Re-enable jdt.ui/ and require gcj 4.0.0-2 (rh#151296).
Ben Konrath 832c52f
Ben Konrath 36d82f2
* Mon May 2 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.14
Ben Konrath 36d82f2
- Replace temporary patch to debug.ui with upstream patch to swt (rh#155853).
Ben Konrath 36d82f2
Andrew Overholt 5abd1e6
* Sat Apr 30 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.13
Ben Konrath 2531848
- Add patch to temporarily stop an NPE in debug.ui (rh#155853).
Ben Konrath 2531848
Andrew Overholt 5abd1e6
* Thu Apr 28 2005 Phil Muldoon <>
- Allow multiple optional arguments in 
Andrew Overholt 5abd1e6
* Wed Apr 27 2005 Andrew Overholt <>
Andrew Overholt 8de50d3
- Include epoch in mozilla BuildRequires.
Andrew Overholt 8de50d3
- Remove last remaining gij-specific option from eclipse.script.
Andrew Overholt 8de50d3
* Wed Apr 27 2005 Jeremy Katz <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.12
- silence %%post
Andrew Overholt b735554
* Sun Apr 24 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.11
Andrew Overholt b735554
- Re-add since gcj fix is in our gcc RPMs.
Andrew Overholt b735554
- Bump gcc requirements accordingly.
Andrew Overholt b735554
- Add gcc-c++ to BuildRequires (for SWT Mozilla).
Andrew Overholt b735554
- Add specific java-1.4.2-gcj-compat nvr requirement (rh#151866).
Andrew Overholt b735554
aluchko 588985e
* Fri Apr 22 2005 Aaron Luchko <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.10
aluchko 588985e
- Import archived projects (e.o#82988)
aluchko 588985e
Andrew Overholt 82fc3d0
* Fri Apr 22 2005 Andrew Overholt <>
Andrew Overholt 2c6e6e1
- Add Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat for each sub-package and use
Andrew Overholt 2c6e6e1
  full path (Joe Orton).
Andrew Overholt 82fc3d0
- Make /usr/bin/eclipse executable again (rh#155715).
Andrew Overholt 6bf0e82
- Bump jsch version.
Andrew Overholt 2c6e6e1
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
* Thu Apr 21 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.9
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
- Use upstream icons (not RHDS ones) (rh#146484).
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
- Add plugin directories to %files sections.
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
- Rework %files sections a bit.
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
- Fix SWT symlink (bkonrath).
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
- Temporarily remove jdt.ui/
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
Ben Konrath 92ddd1f
* Thu Apr 21 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.8
Ben Konrath 48ff123
- Fix updatesite patch.
Ben Konrath 92ddd1f
- Temporarily remove (r.c#151919)
Ben Konrath 48ff123
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
* Mon Apr 18 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.7
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
- Add %if %%{gcj_support} blocks.
Andrew Overholt 7289f98
- Add %%{_libdir}/%%{name}/plugins to native %files section of each sub-rpm.
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
- Add GNU-style JDT code formatting option (e.o#91770).
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
- Add patch to install plugins from update site in home dir (e.o#90630).
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
- Change gcc-java requirements to libgcj as gcj-dbtool is now in the latter.
Andrew Overholt 5f25d4d
Ben Konrath 46145ab
* Mon Apr 18 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.6
Ben Konrath 46145ab
- Bump version number. 
Ben Konrath 46145ab
Ben Konrath 46145ab
* Mon Apr 18 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.5
Ben Konrath 46145ab
- Update mozilla patch.
Ben Konrath bfe980c
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
* Sat Apr 16 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M6.4
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
- Update to 3.1M6.
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
- Change bootstrap procedure to match the upstream method.
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
- Remove patches that were fixed upstream. 
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
- Add efj wrapper script.
Ben Konrath bd6a7ae
Ben Konrath a6eaae0
* Wed Apr 13 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.20
Ben Konrath a6eaae0
- Fix the bootstrap patch (the ecj jar was missing some files).
Ben Konrath a6eaae0
Andrew Overholt 8325780
* Tue Apr 12 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.19
Andrew Overholt 8325780
- Add Requires(post,postun): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat for rebuild-gcj-db (Joe
Andrew Overholt 8325780
Andrew Overholt 8325780
- Add ecj binary.
Andrew Overholt 8325780
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
* Wed Apr 06 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.18
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
- Fix typo in gcj db building loops.
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
- Add -O1 to x86_64 compilation.
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
- Add EFJ (Eclipse Formatter for Java) patches (bkonrath) (e.o#75333).
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
- Add patch to build swttools.jar (e.o#90364).
Andrew Overholt 26f87c4
- Symlink out to ant-jsch now that we have that.
Andrew Overholt 066aed0
Andrew Overholt 531fabe
* Mon Apr 04 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.17
Andrew Overholt 531fabe
- Actually insert combinations into sub-dbs.
Andrew Overholt 531fabe
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
* Thu Mar 31 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.16
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
- Fix eclipse.script to not leave a sh process around (Joe Orton)
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
- Use proper sub-dbs.
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
- Don't compile jars that are symlinked from elsewhere.
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
- Add jar-so combinations to .db based on existence (not .jar).
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
- Rename sub-dbs to be eclipse-*.db.
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
- Use rebuild-gcj-db script.
Andrew Overholt e60f88d
* Mon Mar 28 2005 Christopher Aillon <>
- rebuilt
* Fri Mar 25 2005 Christopher Aillon <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.14
- Update the GTK+ theme icon cache on (un)install
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
* Fri Mar 18 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.13
Andrew Overholt 8fe34fc
- Re-add compilation of resources.jar.
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Backport bootstrapping patch.
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Add Requires: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat.
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Modified find patch courtesy Ziga Mahkovec (RH#149927#).
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Compile with -O2 on ppc as well.
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Add jsch, jakarta-commons-modeler, and mx4j symlinking.
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Make use of gcj-dbtool -f to create databases in install.
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Use system-wide classmap.db.
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Remove *.jarswithnativelibs from files sections.
Andrew Overholt 29362a4
- Update mozilla dependency.
Andrew Overholt 8fe34fc
Ben Konrath c9f8678
* Mon Mar 07 2005 Ben Konrath <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.12
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
- Add activeHelpSample.jar patch.
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
- Change to Fedora M-build splash screen.
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
- Add find patch courtesy Ziga Mahkovec (RH#149927#)
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
- Build native stuff with -O2 on i386.
Ben Konrath 7c7a271
Andrew Overholt 971d998
* Mon Mar 07 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.11
Andrew Overholt 971d998
- Add s390 and s390x patches.
Andrew Overholt c6ac089
- Don't build for them, though, due to gcc bug and Eclipse building issue.
Andrew Overholt 5201aaf
- Add xorg-x11-devel BuildRequires.
Andrew Overholt 971d998
Andrew Overholt df125ff
* Fri Mar 04 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.10
Andrew Overholt df125ff
- Add proper mozilla version.
Andrew Overholt df125ff
- Don't build in order to work around plugin building
Andrew Overholt df125ff
Andrew Overholt df125ff
Andrew Overholt 669d044
* Thu Mar 03 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.9
Andrew Overholt 669d044
- Add patch to build libswt-mozilla.
Andrew Overholt 669d044
- Build libswt-awt.
Andrew Overholt 669d044
- Add 64-bit swt lib list.
Andrew Overholt 669d044
Andrew Overholt ffec764
* Tue Mar 01 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.8
Andrew Overholt 58991c1
- Add ppc.
Andrew Overholt ffec764
- Add patch to copy over icon for unsupported (upstream) platforms but don't
Andrew Overholt ffec764
  include the source for the launcher.
Andrew Overholt ffec764
- gcc4 -> gcc changes.
Andrew Overholt 2c099de
- Add swt-cairo to 64-bit platforms' %files.
Andrew Overholt ffec764
Andrew Overholt 58cdb1f
* Fri Feb 25 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.7
Andrew Overholt 58cdb1f
- Add tar args patch (e.o #86571).
Andrew Overholt 58cdb1f
- New build bootstrapping patches.
Andrew Overholt 58cdb1f
Andrew Overholt 75af349
* Fri Feb 25 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 3.1.0_fc-0.M5.6
Andrew Overholt 75af349
- Re-work how we do the gcj-dbtool magic.
Andrew Overholt 75af349
- Don't remove ant-netrexx (need to find an RPM if we can).
Andrew Overholt 75af349
Andrew Overholt d466dca
* Sun Feb 20 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 1:3.1_fc-0.M5.5
Andrew Overholt 27336c3
- Build for just i386 and x86_64 for now due to upstream gcc bugs.
Andrew Overholt 9620c14
Andrew Overholt 357a573
* Sun Feb 20 2005 Andrew Overholt <> 1:3.1_fc-0.M5.1
Andrew Overholt 357a573
- New 3.1M5a build using upstream build method.
Andrew Overholt 357a573
- Re-organize sub-packages (ecj, platform, platform-devel, jdt, jdt-devel, pde,
Andrew Overholt 357a573
  pde-devel, fold gtk2 package into platform).
Andrew Overholt 357a573
- Move jface and org.eclipse.text into libswt3-gtk2.
Andrew Overholt 357a573
- Bring in JPackage symlinks for packages we have in Fedora (David Walluck) and
Andrew Overholt 357a573
  put in %%prep.
Andrew Overholt 357a573
- Work around x86_64 filename differences.
Andrew Overholt 357a573
- Remove xerces, xalan, and xml-commons-apis requirement (and LD_PRELOAD from
Andrew Overholt 357a573
Andrew Overholt 357a573
- Bootstrap build.