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% nodejs(1) % Rado Pitonak \<rpitonak@redhat.com> % DATE 07.04.2017


nodejs - source to image builder of node.js applications.


Image for building node.js application as reproducible Docker image using source to image.Image is based on fedora.


To pull the nodejs container run:

# docker pull modularitycontainers/nodejs:6

To build your node.js application use run:

# s2i build <SOURCE-REPOSITORY> nodejs:6 <NAME-OF-APP>

To run your application in docker container:

# docker -d run -p 8080:8080 <NAME-OF-APP>

By default container is running in production mode with exposed port 8080.To change behavior see Enviroment variables section below.


NODE_ENV=runtime_mode Node.js runtime mode (default: "production")

DEV_MODE=mode When set to "true", nodemon will be used to automatically reload the server while you work (default: "false"). Setting DEV_MODE to "true" will change the NODE_ENV default to "development" (if not explicitly set).

Select an alternate / custom runtime mode, defined in your package.json file's scripts section (default: npm run "start"). These user-defined run-scripts are unavailable while DEV_MODE is in use.

HTTP_PROXY=url Use an npm proxy during assembly

HTTPS_PROXY=url Use an npm proxy during assembly

NPM_MIRROR=registry Use a custom NPM registry mirror to download packages during the build process


This image supports development mode. This mode can be switched on and off with the environment variable DEV_MODE. DEV_MODE can either be set to true or false. The debug port can be specified with the environment variable DEBUG_PORT. DEBUG_PORT is only valid if DEV_MODE=true. By default, DEV_MODE is set to false, and DEBUG_PORT is set to 5858, however the DEBUG_PORT is only relevant if DEV_MODE=true.


As part of development mode, this image supports hot deploy. If development mode is enabled, any souce code that is changed in the running container will be immediately reflected in the running nodejs application

To change your source code in a running container, use Docker's exec (https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/exec/) command:

# docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash

After you enter into the running container, your current directory is set to /opt/app-root/, where the source code is located.


To run your application in development mode run:

# docker run --env DEV_MODE=true -p 8080:8080 <NAME-OF-APP>

To run the container in production mode, run:

# docker run --env DEV_MODE=false <NAME-OF-APP>

To run the container in development mode with a debug port of 5454, run

# docker run --env DEV_MODE=true DEBUG_PORT=5454 <NAME-OF-APP>

To build your application with using of npm proxy.

# s2i build ./test/test-app nodejs:6 my-app --env HTTP_PROXY=url



 Runs continuously as a daemon process in the background

-p 8080:8080

 Opens  container  port  8080  and  maps it to the same port on the Host.