#!/bin/sh -eu # This is the install script for Cockpit when run in a privileged container # # The host file system must be mounted at /host cd / PATH="/bin:/sbin" if [ ! -d /host/etc -o ! -d /host/proc -o ! -d /host/var/run ]; then echo "host file system is not mounted at /host" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -f /host/usr/bin/cockpit-bridge ]; then echo "cockpit-bridge must be installed in the host" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! -d /host/usr/share/cockpit ]; then echo "cockpit-shell and other resources must be installed in the host" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -f /host/usr/libexec/cockpit-ws ]; then echo "cockpit-ws must not be installed in the host" >&2 exit 1 fi set -x # Everything else is settings and should remain rm -f /host/etc/pam.d/cockpit