#4 Drop Release label in favor of OSBS release_bump plugin.
Merged 5 years ago by acaringi. Opened 5 years ago by cverna.
container/ cverna/cassandra f28  into  f28

file modified
+1 -2
@@ -8,14 +8,13 @@ 


  LABEL MAINTAINER "Augusto Caringi" <acaringi@redhat.com>


- ENV NAME=cassandra VERSION=0 RELEASE=9 ARCH=x86_64 SUMMARY="Cassandra is an OpenSource database for high-scale application" DESCRIPTION="Cassandra is a partitioned row store. Rows are organized into tables with a required primary key. Partitioning means that Cassandra can distribute your data across multiple machines in an application-transparent matter. Cassandra will automatically re-partition as machines are added/removed from the cluster. Row store means that like relational databases, Cassandra organizes data by rows and columns. The Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is a close relative of SQL."

+ ENV NAME=cassandra VERSION=0 ARCH=x86_64 SUMMARY="Cassandra is an OpenSource database for high-scale application" DESCRIPTION="Cassandra is a partitioned row store. Rows are organized into tables with a required primary key. Partitioning means that Cassandra can distribute your data across multiple machines in an application-transparent matter. Cassandra will automatically re-partition as machines are added/removed from the cluster. Row store means that like relational databases, Cassandra organizes data by rows and columns. The Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is a close relative of SQL."


  LABEL summary="$SUMMARY" \

        description="$DESCRIPTION" \

        com.redhat.component="$NAME" \

        name="$FGC/$NAME" \

        version=0 \

-       release="$RELEASE.$DISTTAG" \

        architecture="$ARCH" \

        usage="docker run cassandra" \


OSBS can automatically bump the release number, for that
we just need to drop the label from the Dockerfile

See https://pagure.io/ContainerSIG/container-sig/issue/1

Signed-off-by: Clement Verna cverna@tutanota.com

Pull-Request has been merged by acaringi

5 years ago